Monday, September 7, 2009

My Birthday ..

Thanks for all those wishes and celebration.. I am touch enough for everythings you all did it for me...

Sms Wishes:
Hui Min (00:28)-26/08/09
Li Yi (00:31)
Hannah (00:33)
Wei Hong (09:23)
Mr.Roger (11:52)~ Old man forgot de and wish me happy belated pula.. haha. By The way Sir, I am really happy with that because you remember my birthday.. hehe.. Thanks ya.. Muackzz Love you so much Sir..
Simon (22:58)
Wilson (23:30)
Kitty (23:48)
Enjoe (23:51)
Phooi Yarn (23:55)~ But i think its her 0000. Because at the end of the msg written 12am
Guo Wen (23:55)
Pin Chuan (23:57)~ Thanks for remember "virgin" birthday.. haha
Naresh (23:57)~ Cute 'Cak' songs... hehe... Thanks ya friend.
Yvelynn (23:57)
Ting Ting (23:58)~ Thanks dear.. haha..although i cant saw what u send -_-
Pin Chuan (00:00)-27/08/09
Poh Chiang (00:00)~ Thanks for the surprise birthday songs
Jay Wan (00:00)
Wen In (00:01)~ Shock me, little caring girl.. hehe thanks ya my darling.
Praisy (00:10)~ Surprise Old schoolmate..
Joe (00.28)~ Good Daughter haha.. muackzz too..
Hue Yi (00:29)
Wei Hong (00:30)~ Again sending lou mou 19th Happy Birthday.
Bo Yee (01:09)~ Thanks for Mummy's Wish.. Love you too..
Chuang Man (01:53)~ Good little brother.. Thanks ya.. hehe Must listen to CheChe oh.
Poh Chiang (08:27)- 27/08/09
Camel (09:25)
Martin (12:19)~ Hope we will get good result.. Not only me.. hehe.
Mr. Roger (12:29)~ Curious bout how my special day and asking for did my husband Rain celebrate with me or not.. I just can reply YES. Sure he do.. Accompany me for whole day non-stop ar.. hehe..
Hai Thong (16:48)~ Thanks for running from so far away to wish me.. hehe
Hoey Ping (17:28)~ Happy quarentine la.. hehe. Thanks for the wish anyway.
Zhi Yong (18:17)
Theng Keat (19:01)~ Naughty Ginna, Thanks anyway la..
Evelyn (19:56)~ Thanks for the gift.. Muackzz back too.. haha
Chee Wai (20:39)~ I guess its his 0827 lo.. thanks anyway.
Kui Kui (20:29)
Shiou Kheng (20:33)
Hooi Shan (20:44)~ Thanks another darling.. Sayang you too..Miss and Muackzz
Sunny Yeoh (21:39)~ Dont remember to celebrate for me at KK ya.. hehe..
Jacelyn (22:09)
Venuss (12:06)-28/08/09
Ben (11:23)-01/9/09

Call Wishes:
Alex Chew
Shiou Kheng
Wendy Yeoh
Sunny Yeoh
Sunny Lee
'Michael' Chin
Miss Loo
Boon Su

Msn Wishes:
David (19:10)- 26/08/09
Mable (00:11)~ Happy Birthday Twins
Zheng Ying (00:23)~ Tiao Di fellow don't wanna wish me..but at last also wish haha..
Philip (00:55)- 27/08/09
Sharon (15:30)
Leon (22:03)
Enjoe (22:06)
Mangee (22:10)
Soo Aun (22:21)
Kenny (22:26)
Jan (00:37)- 28/08/09

Facebook Wishes:
Leow yun Zhi ~~ Cherish every moment we have together la..
Fei Cui ~~ Hope we all enjoy our happy '19'
Meow Hui
Hue Yi ~~ Thanks for wishing me again here.
Wiyuna Teoh
Sue Ting
Yen Peng
Siow Phoy

I think there is some more but i got to say sorry because i forgot de.. hehe pai say.

I gotto say thanks again.. Thanks for being my friend.. I love you all Friends...
Keep in touch and Friendship Forever...Muackzz