Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Than Shiang Children Camp

Just finish my Stpm exam and here comes the camp.. Why am i suffering myself huh?? Really stupid, I should enjoy 1st what..

Day 1
3.30pm need to gather at the hall d, but we are late.. Coz i dunno how to go there.. so asking for hong's help.. Thus we arrive at around 3.50pm.. There is a welcome short ceremony and introduction, actually can be say thats a games .. So the 1st day is only training for jiejie and koko.. Then start our lesson by listening to Ai Xin papa speech.. Its useful for me.. He is asking for the purpose why are we joining this camp, what is the point we are there for.. Some more teach us to look at ourselves.. What we need in our life to being success. Attitude, cooperation and responsibility are important in this camp and our future he said.. We should learn now and practice and use it during this camp...
After games 8pm sharp the arrangement of the group is shown and now we know our group members de and is time to start with group life.. not with friends that we knew de.. I am glad that my group at lease got 2 friends that can chat with.. Supper time arrived at 9 something, we sit separated for every eating times. And the rules is totally strict and scared me. Cannot talk, no sound when you eat, both legs must on floor and ...... so on.
I get shock. Night time Me and Sheri call our parents and asking for help to escape from this camp de.. Both of us keep thinking for our plan.. and we suppose to sleep at 10 but we fall a sleep around 1.30am coz we dont have any prefect plan yet..

Day 2
We should wake at 6am.. 不允许早起,更不可以迟醒.接着还要做早课,而且丢脸的是我不懂怎么礼佛三拜,结果被我组的爱心哥哥取笑。7.25am 是时候把手机交给纪律组了。When preparation ready, 8am children is coming continuously.. I still remember the 1st one was 云盛 and 炜贤. Then continue with girls de.. We start chat and play games. Then start to learn how to pray.. and then learn about our camp's theme song. "我的天空我的梦" and other songs with hand language..While after singing, its time for kids to show their creativity. They have to decorate their own flag with group names and slogan too.. In the evening, after our dinner, we start to group in "布施"family..Then start our introduction again to let our group's 爱心妈妈都认识我们. Then, bed time reach. 爱心姐姐带着妹妹们睡在幼稚园,爱心哥哥带着弟弟们睡在2楼,但我不晓得那是什么地方,应该是莞清院吧!小菩萨们都在10:30pm 入睡了,但这时的爱心姐姐啊就是我们,还在浴室里洗澡啊!当我们回房时已经是11:00pm了,头发还没干,结果我们三人就围在最角落聊天直达12:30am 才把床铺搬到风扇下一起睡。

Day 3
一样,我们得6点准时起床。早上起床就要做早操嘛,那团康组员就和我们一起活动活动胫骨。一起跳跳玩玩后,弟弟妹妹们都精神了许多,肚子也跟着饿了。Then the same, 念经然后走位到各自的位子,问迅后才可以进食。
与小菩萨们都想出第二天了,开始黏成一块了,especially those boys。妹妹们有些已经慢慢一起活动起来,可是也有2,3位静静的坐在一旁看我们玩乐,偶尔露出一丝笑容。But there isnt big problems.Here comes the main point of this camp - Lesson.Those lesson althugh sometimes quite boring but its all meaningful. It's helping for me to grow mature in my thought. In the evening, we are preparing for night function 传灯。I like this event very much.. Its totally touch from my bottom of heart. The drama they act, the songs they sing, the videos they play, and the words they say. All love..I can feel their love strongly. I wish to say I LOVE YOU to my parents too. Then some koko jiejie from our groups also red from their eyes, meaning that they get touching too. We hugs together and cry at last.. I wish to say thanks to Chen mama for giving me the hug with love..

Day 4
Finally is the last day for the camp,开始觉得有点不舍得,照常的早课,早餐,却是将道别的时刻。Today they will perform drama form what they had learn for this few days. Their parents will be here to enjoy their show. They are still kids what we say, sometimes they dont really listen and they make me a bit angree when rehearsal. I got to say sorry for that..At last they still performs well.. Although we are not the best but we already do our best.. Thanks for cooporations from everyone.. Thanks for those give me the chance to be here. Thanks for those 'ai xin pa ma' teach us so much knowledge about life, about manners, about thought.I really do gain a lot there.. And I'll miss those kids... I love you all... Thanks for giving me the chances to take care of you all.. Thanks for accompany for this few days..Keep in touch oh..