Tuesday, February 15, 2011

1st Valentine's Day.

After 21 years, this is the year that i got my partner. Its time for me to celebrate my very 1st valentine day..

Unfortunately, before valentine's day I was fall a sick seriously. No special food can be intake. So no celebration, only non-heaty food can be take. While when i going to back UUM, my stupid sickness still stick very close to me.. Don't even let me have a break.. ( have a kit-kat ) Thus, Valentine's day.. HAiZ.... no celebration... only phone calls for few hours.. While my roommate, were having sweet dinner with her bf... JEALOUSY of me..... SAD... After 8, I go gather with all AIESECer that single and available in UUM... We dance and have fun together in PKP. After when back my room, I am alone again..Phone call with my "someone" again till mid night.... HEHE..
Although we cant celebrate our 1st valentines, but I am happy to be with you..MUACKZ love you... NO celebration = SPECIAL celebration. I accept it... HEHE....