Tuesday, March 15, 2011


"EPRB" actually is an interview for exchange participant.
At 1st, i am the helper for this event. But, due to some situation and advices, I be one of the candidates for today's EPRB.

I'm nervous, I dint prepare at all. Its a sudden decision to take this interview.
After a few round of Q&A, they ask am i ready for this interview, i said NO. If they giving me a chance, what should I prepare, I said i don't know. SO am i qualify to go exchange. I can't even convince them and prove them to PASS me. I can't event deliver my message clearly to them and how I am gonna deliver my message to other country. I am an AIESECer, but i know nothing. More worse is that i am an OGXer.
Unfortunately, they said YES. The answer of yes is not because of i dint prepare but i still able to answer their question, but is because of a correct mindset and personality. They expect more from me than a normal EP. Thus, my YES will be add on some improvement 
1) Communication skill
2) Independent.
3) Trust and believe in myself.
4) More knowledge about AIESEC and Excahnge. and ect...

Although I am not satisfy with my performance and answer but I'm happy with the result.
"Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action." -Benjamin Disraeli

Aja Aja fighting... Move to next...