Thursday, July 26, 2012

To my brother-Arron

Dear brother,

Love is gonna be the hardest thing to express when you face the one you love-"family".

I have lots of word to tell you my dear. I wanna say that I love you so much and hope that you will be alright there, but is slightly hard for me to deliver it out. Even just a single words of cares.

Without realising that time pass. We are being adult soon, and the little brother of mine are going to be successful soon too. I do hope that we are still young, playing and fooling together. You are so naive when you were a young boy, listen to what you sister had told you. But so bad that you sister sometimes are fooling you.
But now, I really hope that we never grown. Thus we no need to suffer things like stress and pressure and the most important is separating.

I know you must be suffering from this too. I understand how you feel must be the most straggling time you had never experiences before. Same goes to your family members and friends too.

But no matter how, we love you. Not to disappoint your family and friends, thus, be someone successful. All the best to you and good luck.

Your sister