Saturday, February 28, 2009

Gain Knowleadge

We decide to go sunrise again.. But this time is McDonald de..
While waiting for XX, somebody quite nervous lo...haha..
We start for 3.30 pm until 9.30 pm ar...
Wat a long time there.. My pet pet going to stick to the chair de lo..
But really gain knowledge lo.. Anyway, really thanks..
I think i will get better result this time with your notes...

After stay whole day in Mcd, we bored to take dinner there de..
So we wait for him to arrive then we go eat "ho liao"
haha... When he driving my car.. OMG... really funny...
he keep put wrong signal.. not only once oh... haha
that's the funny one, 3 times continuously. haha..Pity my prince.

Next, when we are on our way back to sunrise. Traffic jam at Gurney Drive..
then give reply a silly answer question by Chiang.. Haha..
( Others know we are going to arrive de so they are here to wait for us because.... Haha.. )
I am so sorry, you heard too, its not i tell eh lo... Chiang guest it by his own lo... haha..
After that, you make my stomach pain again.. haha..
You really so cruel.. Ppl already try to escape from the water but you go and make him wet... haha somemore runaway... OMG... my stomach(pain) and my car(noisy)...
Sorry for passenger inside the car ya...let you all suffer from that noise de...haha....

Friday, February 27, 2009

Party at Sunrise Pizza Hut..

This is celebration for Fei Cui birthday.. Its around 20++ MBS student the sound of MBS really very noisy.... but nvm la have fun enough de mah.. With White clothingBlack Clothing
After Pizza, we continue at Coffee Island, our "lau di fang" ..

Is almost full there, but still got a small area that can receive us la...
Next, thier big 2 start again de..

Whereas, we enjoy our ice-cream after that... My mummy help the shop to promote us, so we go and take a try lo...I like the environment there, and their chairs too.. haha..
The ice-cream is really delicious, but giant size lo.. Luckily we just order 2 set but not 4..
2 set we already full until going to vomit de, i really dunno how if we order per person... maybe need to go hospital to wash it de lo...haha (choy, kidding kidding)
Haha.. We emo b4 went back home..

Lastly, Happy Birthday to you Sayang - Fei Cui
Stay healthy and young...

Monday, February 23, 2009



Thursday, February 19, 2009


That is something happen make me very depressed ...
I lost my econ note book....
Plus My Sir is really not in class with us today de...
I cant even squeeze a little smile from my mouth..
The joke by kui2, chiang them is really funny,
but no one can really make me laugh, not even smile..
I have lose control when they are trying to ask me why...
I pretend to laugh on their cold story..
The more pretend to be happy , the worse i felt deep inside my heart..
I really have no idea of what to do and to solve...
Share its a problem, not to share its also a problem..
What is going on this whole week...
Betray, Blame, Cheat,
All happen in not more than 5 days..
How to accept all this in a short matter of time??

Monday, February 16, 2009







还是放手,放开所有吧, 我以无从选择。。

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Farewell for Mr. Roger

Today, we are preparing farewell for our beloved Mr.Roger... He even duno we are gonna do farewell for him, but just suspicion maybe will do something for him only..

This is the cake i bought and it is only for you Sir...Look at him, he is so funny.. haha..
Present by U6A5 in 2009
It's time for eating de..
Vertically challenge guy serving drinks...
Kind Pn Khor, Cutie Mr.Roger & Girly Mr. NG
Wilson is playing with the lighter to light up Roger's beard
+: U6A5 Boys :+
+: Hamikhan Boys :+
:+ CDK Girls +:
:+ MGS Girls +:
Naughty Wilson
Good Girl M0
Hey you are naughty Sir too.. I know i am V.C la.. No need to show mah... T.T
I still stud stud laugh until so happy when Kheng captured, HNG.....

Here we are the whole class of U6A5
Kurang 1 Philip boy..
Everybody are making fun of Mr.Roger haha...
This is the last Picture of you de...
I will remember always your cutie round face...

Good Luck in KL.
Thanks & Bye Sir..
Mr.Roger Chin Chuan Ngok..

Friday, February 13, 2009


也会记得曾经有一个那么好的你教过我 。


Thanks for teaching us lots of usefull things and let us have so much fun when your class..
You are really a knowledgeable teacher...
Although you are not teaching us anymore but we will try hard to get better band for Muet..
We will Miss you very very much...
Appeciate for being our form teacher and my Muet teacher...
Once our teacher, forever your are our teacher...
Bon voyage...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

难题 !!





倘若当我们已经知道你们即将给的答案是 '不要,不能' 之类的话时,




Monday, February 9, 2009

A lot of my 1st time happen....

Is the last 2nd day of CNY de.. so fast CNY gonna finish de.. So we got to visit the famous Kek Lok Si before end of New Year..
I stay at home for the whole morning waiting chances to inform my mum that i am going out tonight again.. I am so scared that she wont let me go because I went back late on last night too... So I request my Jahkeeyea to come over my house to do account 1st then only we go out...

Around 8pm, Jahkeeyea fetch me back her house waiting for gw and pc. While we waiting from 8.30pm to almost 9.00pm, Give let me ride on her bike for awhile.. Then she fetch me round nearby her house there.. We ride nearby to the house of ghost, but dint go in la off couse.. Its already late night.. We will pa pa mah... haha...This is the 1st time Jahkeeyea fetch me with her motor and car. besides that,it's also the 1st time i ride her motor to fetch her round car park... haha..

Too boring de laa...

When both of them arrive, we are not moqi enough this time de..Me,pc n gw wearing white shirt but give only the 1 wearing black.. On the other ha
nd, 3 of them wearing black helmet but only me wearing white helmet.. Geezzz....

Its the 1st time again, pc fetch me by his bike for such a long distance... Going up and down along the moutain.. I am scare actually, because again 1st time without
cover by any metal i go so far away from my house.. When we arrive KLS, is really very beatiful.. All the light switch on along the building.. really long time dint go KLS de. And now it is 1st time i visit KLS with friends after renovation of the statue of buddha...

After 11pm, all the light close and we leave KLS de.. We have no place to go.. So we just go straight la.. We past by timesquare, Mbs, and gurney drive then stop by enjoy firework at gurney..Next we stop by penang road for rescue fire... haha.... We meet Mayble wearing hotlink shirt there... hence, my 1st time stuff again.. 1st time i go in Flame and Mois.. Is quite famous places in Penang but we never step in before... but..hahaha... I try today de...thanks to pc n gw..

I think is the 1st time for u two wearing so casual go in there too right.. haha..
The clock is now at 12am.. Is time for us to go back home de.. Suddently, pc motor puncture.. Then a guy we saw when we at Lorong Kulit there come back again... Just now at L.Kulit, he ask gw the direction of road to thaipusam and now he ask pc for money to rescue his 'dai lou' from Kulim wo say that he's from which gang la, somemore show us his tattoo.. This shows that he is a liar la.. just to tipu money lo.. Luckily, we tak stud stud kena tipu... Although i am so afraid..
We call gw when we start puncture, but at the phone call, they say their motor also puncture wo.. So bad luck la 4 of us.. 1st time Pc fetch me and now puncture de...Who bad luck leh??? Fortunately, we are not very unlucky too la.. Coz we saw somebody that can repair the tyres, coz it's another 2 bike puncture too...Pc kena 1 nail only and Gw kena 3 nails but he can drive far away from Pc. In that case, we need to walk along the highway to find them lo.. Again, 1st time i walk on the lengthy and busy highway..<>

Therefore, I have try on lots of my 1st time.. Its really frightened, pleasure, and joyful... Thanks for setting up such enjoyable event. <>

진심으로 감사합니다

우정은 영원히


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Movie Day

Wilson invite us for a movie. And the movie name " Pink Panther 2",
A boring movie...
Or maybe just I am moody so feel that movie weary??
Some part is really funny, all of them is laughing, but i am not.
Too tired, Too sleepy??? I have no idea.
After movie, i need to fetch Wilson back home,
but H.min hungry de, so we find 1300882525 for enjoy our dinner...
We calling Pei, but she is not in luck.. she dint listen t our phone haha...
We talk bout lot of nonsense, joking there, fool around..
Until 8 something, when we are leaving, Pei call back...
But.. haha.. we finish eating de... you miss it de lo...hehe..

When we at Sushi King...
He is sleepy de when we in cinema... go oink oink la...hahaLook I capture so nice for them but.....
They capture so normal for us nia.. T.T
H.min have been forcing by all those penganas... haha...

Dunno what they are watching ???

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Trip to Bali

28 /01 /09
Early in the morning , around 5 my family wake up but all stomachache.. run toilet.. hAha.. coz yesterday night eat poison food... then 6 something go to the airport de..
Look at the Sunrise, its so nice...While we are waiting to boarding

On the way to on board
Its Korean Air .. I like it so much.. there's 1 printed Rain Picture oh..

Luggage for Lim While waiting for another plain receive us... We already wait for 5 hours at the LCCT airport de..
This is our hotel background ( me n Sharon)

While waiting to check in both of us taking care of those luggage..
Nice room ya... I like it..
Arrive at 9 pm de.. so everybody become hungry ghost de...
This is our 1st dinner at Bali..

29 /08 /09
Morning call at 6.00 am because we are rushing to watch a Balinese style of dance. There is a lion dance but is Bali style lion call Barong.. Its a story about good and evil.

Here we are outside of the destination..We are welcome my a "ayu" means girl in Bali.. After drama, we visit to a coffee n tea farms.. I am learning to cook coffee.. wanna try some???

Its very high and a bit look like our Cameron highland
acting cool with my bro... haha.. Its our lunch time...This is the restaurant.But why without anything related to food???

Beacuse we are going to visit the volcano 1st before having lunch.. but its the same place at Kintamani
See the volcano its behind me...when i am having lunch.
This is Bali style door..
And this is bali style hut.
After lunch, we are now visiting temple in Bali. Every village will be at lease 3 temple. This is either 1 of the famous temple in Batu Bulan.Night time arrive, the tour guide recommend us to enjoy Balinese stye spa.

HAHA... My 1st time enjoy spa in BAli...Its a memorable event.

30 /01 /09
We are going to visit a lot of famous place in Bali.. such as Tanah lot, Batu Bolong and so on... All this places shown in korean drama before.. and i like the scene there.. Its really very nice.
On our way going to visit another temple in Beratan, we stop by to enjoy Balinese fruits..I am testing Balinese Durian.... wanna have some???This is the fruit cover by something like snake skin... but inside, look the shape so cute..
see cafully...
After eating, i wish to listen to music while on our way going to Ulundanu Temple. I found that my phone lost. After a short of cari, my phone is hidden in the broken area of the bag.. So Its look like that ^ pity phone..Here we arrive Ulun Danu at Bedugul.
We so got mo qi jump together..
haha.. now my turn to jump high to reach the sky.. but i a too short de so cant reach..
Here is the temple and the local ppl...I am holding Ulun Danu temple... That was build on lake BeratanTaking pic beside the temple..
Enjoying our lunch after visit Ulun Danu.

taking photo with monkeys in not more then 10 inch.

At monkey forest, but monkey too aggressive de so take pc with bat.

Finally we arrive Tanah Lot, the most famous place in Bali..
But so unlucky, its raining ... We cant enjoy the beauty of this place...
I am wahing the spring water and receive wishes with rice at Tanah Lot.Its another temple name Batu Bolong. Is nearby Tanah Lot area...

31 /01/ 09
Finally we can touch the sea water de.. But its a unhappy day for me because i argue with my dad... I am so sorry for i cant control my emotion.. But its ur fault 1st.. Anyway, I am sorry DAD.
They dont have enough money de so change it.. look haha.. a lot leh.. but this is juz 1/4 only..
This is the statue with a story.. but i forgot what is the story de...haha...
haha... My lovely sea is waiting for me.. Can you see banana boat behind me???
I wish to ride it. but haiz... no chance to do so.... geezz
I am so brave take pic with so many types of animal.. haha..
But actually i am very scare n nervous when i touching or nearby those animal.. This is part of a big statue..But not yet finish build..
haha.. Taking Pic on the ground.
Having dinner while waiting for sunset.. But cloud block up de.. haiz... nothing to see..Look, horse need to queue too.. so pity..Suck in all the carbon monoxide release from the car...

I am enjoying my ice-cream.. Dont disturb..

We are in Club CR..

The dancer in lock in the nest..haha..

Again people mountain, people sea...(broken English) if u know chinese then you know what i mean de...

Fashion Show in that club...

01 /02 /09

Bali Saranghe..

02 /02 /09

Other counter are queue by people, but we queue by our lugguage..

Enjoying breakfast early in the morning at Denpasar airport.

Capture it when i am on board... Coz nothing to do and a bit miss Bali de.. T.T

Photo to Bali... Annyong Bali...