Friday, October 30, 2009

Micheal Jackson In My Eyes

I know Michael Jackson when i was still young in age of 10.The 1st song that impress me was his "Earth Song".The mtv,the lyrics, make me feel nice. I am imagine that will it be real happens in our life in future. And now 10 years later, we do saw a lot of hurting environment, trees and plants even animals too in this advanced world.. Recall back the scene when I watch that music video. I said to myself that this artist really fabulous. He make me feeling touch when watching the music video for I am just a little girl. Even with poor English.

Last year, by coincident, I heard 'You Are Not Alone' in my friend's phone. I like this song very much when I hear the 1st time. Every word in the lyrics is very touching for me because I am alone for that period of time. And I used it as my caller ring tone too. The's the 2nd songs that I listen from MJ. Nevertheless, after a year, with a big headline written that Michael Jackson has passed away. That's a big shock for me. MJ passed away??? Is that just rumor from those media. Even some says that is a hit for his up coming concert in London. Its a special surprise for his fans. Is that true?? I doubt it!!

Every day i keep on eyes with his latest, updated news. When his funeral held in Staples center. I spend my time watching live from TV. I don't even wish to miss up every scene. The funeral were live in Malaysia at 12 midnight. But they delay it and started at 1.30 am. I catch it live until 4 am. The next day I am going to sit for econs quiz I think. But i still stay till late night to follow up. Even though I'm sleepy but I am forcing my eyes to finish it.

I was greatly touched when his friends and his daughter - Paris spoke on the stage. She said 'Daddy were the best that you'll never imagine and I love you so much.'His friend tell about times when they be with Michael. And now is just memory. I am tears for the whole night when the funeral start till the end. I hope that i could be there attending his funeral by paying my last respect to him nearly.

Some people are treating him like he is not a human being, they think the he is weird, and those brainless media just focusing on things that ridiculous. Such as they report that Michael doesn't like to be his own race, molesting children and so on.Medias are selfish,they build up the rumours to earn profit but they din't tell the truth..Even just simple end it without telling the real story.

In the case of he changes his skin color, is because of he had pigment on his skin that might make him unattractive for he is a star. He need to protect his career as he like sing and dance so much. While plastic surgery, he not even wish to take it too, but its an accident. He was horribly burned by flames and start of the plastic surgery and become the pain killer. He fall from 20 miles on the bridge when he is singing 'Earth Song' and he broke his back. Nose is also accident from fall. Therefore he need to take plastic surgery again and again. Those accident starts to changes his life.. He do all that is just because he love his fans. He want them to have a prefect Michael Jackson, but not baldness him, ugly him.

Whereas the child molest case, I am sure that Micheal wont did that. If I am his die hard fans, for sure I will trust him just like I trust Rain. Unfortunately I am not when he is in trouble. I cant even give support to him. And now, the child that sued Michael finally tell the truth. He is lying, Micheal didn't molest him. He do such things for the reason that he want to pay for his father debt. I am glad that he finally tell the truth. If he is not, I am gonna kill him if I can go US. He make Michael lost his home because of this case. He make Michael be criticized, be hated by public. He hurt Micheal deeply. Micheal helps his family a lots, giving them a home, helping him to recover from canser, playing around with him and let his childhood be brighter without worrying about his sickness. But what did he do for Michael?? Don't he feel guilty?? Even those police treat Michael badly, lock him in the toilet for more than 45 min and hurt his arms. Taking his naked photo even private part. He had horrified nightmare and cant even sleep at night. But who knows?? His worse nightmare who cares?? NO ONE.

Even who he meet with also will becomes people(media) words. Doesn't he a human? He no need friends? He no feelings?? HE IS A HUMAN BEING. NOT ANIMAL, NOT MONSTER. Why do people treat him like that? Does he deserve it??? NO.. Answer is NO.. He friends with Muslim, you all said he became Muslim. Then how bout me?? I friends with India people, and also Malay. Am I wrong too??? Friends with different race and religious friends no harms right. Everyone have their freedom to friends with those who treat them nice. But why media will take it as a title to hurt him?? Have you undergo of being betray or incriminate?? The feelings is bad. Its hurt.. I know how its feel because I am the one being incriminate by my friends too. That's why I know how suffer Micheal was. In additional, he is a big stars in the world, I am sure he suffer more than a normal people did.

Michael has a great personality, a gentlemen, caring person, loving father, a legend. But how come no ones is trying to help him, cares him and even loves him more?? He is showing love to the world, but no one show cares for him. He cares for the green plants, care for the children, help them from fighting death, giving them a childhood life. In contrast, who do that for him?? NO once again. He is adorable, friendly, child like, innocent. He love children very much. He loves them. Due to his father train him to be the best singer when he was young, thus he has no childhood. He miss his childhood. Therefore he love his own children, he protect them well, cares for others children, and also sick children. He is humble, he treat everyone with a word 'LOVE'. Never push his fans away from kissing him, hugging him. He will hug them tight back. Did the artist nowadays can make it with sincere?? A mighty celebrity he was for me, A HERO, MANKIND.

And now you are leaving us, our world will less one person to lead us to a better world. Nobody will love the world, the children as much like you were. Nobody can sing and dance as good as you. Nobody will treat everyone with kind and lovely heart like you were anymore. WE WILL MISS YOU. WE WILL CONTINUE WHAT YOU WISH TO DO FOR THE WORLD. WE WILL HELP YOU TO FINISH IT. FOR YOU, FOR THE WORLD AND FOR EVERYONE IN THIS WORLD.



Thursday, October 29, 2009

"This It Is"

Thats the 2nd day of MJ show. I wish that i could watch that,since is the very last show of his. Luckily, Poh BY book de dont wanna watch and give it to me.. Really thanks her and thanks god too, for giving me the chances to enjoy his concert rehearsal show. I think a lots of MJ fans will be glad that there is still a last performance from him.. But we wish that there is NO END of performances from him..

After my last trial paper, I go along with my bro and 2 MJ fans to watch our beloved King Of POP Forever -Michael Joseph Jackson.
It is to rush, so we are late for the 1st 15 min whereas my bro late for the 1st hour. Bacause he went to Qb but we at Gurney and the shows is at gurney. Damn careless, 1st time do such mistake, dint tell him where & even he dint ask me where the shown scene also.

Well, back to the topic 1st. This show was Michael rehearsal for his concert. He prepared a lot for the show. Repeat and repeat until no mistake. He cooperate with helpers to perform a great show. He give a lots of opinion for what he want in the concert.We can see that he work so hard for his fans. He wish to show and perform the best he could to all his fans. Michael wish to provide a different and special concert for his fans. But its too late now.. he dint able to finish the concert. And now the video, is the producer present for Michael children. They wish to let his child know that how nice their father was. If i can, i wish to be his child too.. I really hope that, but I cant. Damn lucky can be his children.

We finish watching the show and be the last one to step out from the cinema. I hope there is still more to play in the show. The feeling of not willing to leave is so strong. Making me upset. Therefore, I go to Artis gallery find for some collection from MJ. Its too much collection from him make me confussing to choose. And because of finance problem I cant have all, so just buy the limited eddition album la.
After buying Cd, we walk in MPH and find more information about him.. We read about his history, his achivement, and lots of his picture and tribute for him. He really gorgeous for what i have seen. The kind heart, the love.. Make me fall in love more to him again. The charity work that he did, is involving 300 millions dollar. I couldn't imagine that why people willing to hurt an angel like him. Haiz...

Next, we stop everything about MJ de. Back to normal.. Hence as a girl, the favorite things to do is..... Shopping lo.. hehe. Actually juz I shop lo... Both of them keep persuade me to buy only.. haha.. Since is day of relaxing myself from study, then got to enjoy myself lo.. Am I right.. hehe.

Thats all about today...
Ticket fo the show

We take a lots of photo with MJ too.. haha.. Have a look..

MJ limited edition album that i bought...Although its expensive but worth..

Thats great for me... Is memory between 3 of us, memory between us with MJ and also memory for me to Mike...I love today.. And I would like to send my belated birthday wish to MJ. Wishing him for his 51th Birthday.. " HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL " You will always be in our heart forever.. RIP