Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Double excited day..

Day 18th working at Public Gold. This is the 1st time I went out for lunch with my new colleagues. Actually that's our rest hour, but mostly we spend it for work. We sacrificed for Public Gold d, coz its too busy. Therefore, today i am so excited that we can went out for lunch together, and not 'ta pao' and eat in the office.

Story start from my 4 years elder twins - Christ. He is out for moving his car from the parking lot, and Wendy said let's 'long pang' his car to the food court. And suddenly Ken yell us to wait for him. Ok then start our mum mum plan at super tanker d. Chit chatting with laughter and mistaken sound pronunciation of Christ's Site(SEX) supervisor job make me and Ken get stuns and look at Christ. But he still dunno what we laughing and curious for..haha..

While working hour, 1st times again i talk to Denise in the phone. She is scolding us for did not invite them for movie today. I got to say sorry to Denise and Cyrene, Lets meet for K-ing again next time ya.. Tonight no movie night for BJ d.. Coz got training night/ examination night for Sales Dept. haha.. Luckily I am not in that dept. While non of my business, but applying leave was my plan, thus I had to fill in the leave form for Ms Lim. And my salary is out today too... With $ CASH $.. haha.

Around 6pm++, Leng Lui Liching asking for dinner together. Choices are low, normal or deluxe level. Finally, they choice the deluxe level at T.G.I Friday. Again I am fresh at T.G.I. Not sure what is nice there, so Wendy, Pheik Ying and I were sharing one set of Fish & Chip. OMG, Luckily we shared, if not its totally over full.. Just like Ken, Christ, Harrison, and Eddy. They tot that for boys is ok for 1 set/person. Mana Tahu, result is suffering.. Its large size, plus with cheese, will feel very full d..
Denise, Liching, Cheryl, Cyrene sharing 2 different set too.. There are 7 pairs of forks and knife flying between our table, sharing sweet and sour deserts too.. I really like the surrounding when they are with me. Double excited again.hehe.. 1st office job and my 1st unknown colleagues. Thanks for fate to make us gather around. I like my new life !!!

~ Denise and Liching is going to let their forks flying d ~
~ Our sweet and sour dessert ~
~ Silver , Monique , Wendy ~
~ Is T.F.I but look more like H.K "lu bian tan" ~

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