Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day for Results...

I was turning here and there last night cant really have a tight sleep. Again I'm thinking this and that.. thinking about my step next.. My heart is like beating non-stop with extremely fast speed... Its like going to fall out from my body if i dint take a deep breath.. 'bib pop bib pop' whole night.. really nervous.. But i just can make a wish and wait for the result. I already make my choice when i apply and now its time for me to wait for the choice they given to me..

When time turns 12.00pm, a nervous moment for all of us..I cant breath smoothly.. I need some air supply... air mask needed here.... The moment I type in my IC, I was hoping that I can get my 2nd or 4th choice...however when the process done.. Its taniah with course - Account.. but not pure account. Its "information system accounting"
1 word - "amazing" .Going to burst into tears d. Finally i get the course that I dont really want for this moment. Its my 3rd choice.. an unknown course for me in addition this course need 4 years to complete. I DONT WANT, I DONT WANNA GO FOR 4 YEARS...

After a call from friends and senior, I decide to go for it.. To make it the course I like and enjoy the time spending there.. 4 years only.. everybody told me its a short time only.. will past soon.. OK !! I'll prove that I can make it then.. AJA AJA Fighting.. GO GO Go...

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