Thursday, December 29, 2011

Perspective on me

I am being unprofessional, no leadership outlook, no leadership skill, In-matured, playful, not serious, emotional, procrastinate, hurting others, and lack of meeting.. 

This would be some of the cons feed back that i get from my teams.

I accept some, but i need to deny as well. Not every situation that required such skill to be shown.
But i appreciate the comments that i have based on this performance appraiser. 
Sometimes, what you think are different with others. Different people have different perception. 
Without telling, others might cant read your mind. Thus, come to sharing. I care, but i dunno how to share my cares. I dunno how to express my cares towards others. 

I am doing at my own way, i am thinking on my own side, but without putting myself into others shoe.
In reverse, sometimes i am too putting myself into others shoes and make my ourselves getting burden and stress myself. I still remember, for the previous term performance appraiser, 8 people out of 10 will comment me as a stressful person and result oriented people. 
Nevertheless, this time i get none of it. Am i consider improving myself, or i am just still continue stressing myself without delegating task to my members, so they cant found out my stress.

Everyone have their own way of conducting, and leading. I am commending of my leader that don't have strong leadership style, but i am doing the same things as my leader do. Mirror is the main thing that every one needs. Reflection is the things that everyone need to learns on. Pin pointing is not a good comment, as it will only hurting others, but not helping others. 

I really do appreciate for all those constructive comments, which it really will help me in thinking more deeply and improve more on myself. Of course, super appreciate for those good comments as in confident in myself, admired English [ although I not sure which part of my English will make you admired on, LOL by the way thanks, and sometimes, i might like my English speaking slang too.. =) ]
and others.. I am sorry for I am more concentrate more on my bad comments part. As i like that part more that good comments part. Although all the comments might be the bad one, but luckily it is not the worse one. I would work more on it to train up myself to be a professional and be a strong leading lady in the future.. I can make it right.. Do you believe on me? hehe..

Lets wait for that day to arrive. I am waiting for that as well.. All the best to all and lets strive for the better future us.. !!!

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