Wednesday, August 27, 2008


My birthday..
It's a unhappy and very happy day for me in my birthday life...
Happy-From the night before my birthday, i receive a wish msg from BaoPa..She is still the 1 every year be the 1st to wish me... i am so happy. while the 2nd was a new friends from mbs..this was quite happy too la...coz he is the one wish me when my birthday on 8/8 too...hehe

Sadness- After fews mins, i receive msg from friends that told me they are not going to watch movie with me on the real birth day, that's 27/8.

I am very down n i am waiting friends msg... everybody is wishing me happy birthday, so thanks for all friends that wishing me ya.. haha ..By the way, someones is not wishing me, but he is the 1 sending nonsence msg when the clock turns to 00:00.I receive every msg until 1:00 am.. the last 1 before i slept was my son-Thong Soi, who was fall asleep while waiting the clock turns 00:00.

While the next morning, i receive a unexpected msg from ex-monitor..K.W.He was juz arrive kl n will be depart to philipines soon...i would like to thanks for his bithday pizza and msg wish... hehe... But when i receive his 'c u next time...bye...take care' msg, i become to upset again..Feels like going to lost something in my heart... my tears starts rolling in my eyes dee while i am driving on the way to school...

When I reach sch, i receive a 1st present from Z.Y and a shock gift from him...I also reaceive a lots of wish n give from other friends too... really happy to get all those wish.... thanks ya friends... Love you all...haha..muackzz.... even ex-schoolmate and classmate too... Some using msg to send cute n funny msg to me... I am really touch & happy to get all this msg... Today they are giving a lots of suprise to me...
1st- I tot they are not going to celebrate with me anymore.

For seriously, 3 person birthday on today in mbs. I saw upper was celebrating to their friends... But i dont have, so i expected they wont celebrate for me dee, coz we already celebrate on 22/8 for all virgo...haha

2nd-Almost everyone are not going to watch movie with me...

We are going to watch movie after school... unluckily, a lots of activitites and tuition are held too... so they telling me they cannot go to watch movie dee... Agains upset... Those who promise to watch with also said cant go... its really a big attack...
When i heard that there are still some friends wanna accompany me to movie i really excited.. and feel thanks for their accompany...
Thanks for not leaving me alone...

So just 4-5 ppl going to p.mall..After we bought tiket, when i turn around i saw W.H, Wilson standing infront, i am so suprise coz they told me that they dont wanna watch at p.mall, dont wanna join us....
when i walk towords, all liar...Going to tuition, but all appears there...
I am really touch at that moment... I am very appreciate that they all got my heart and plan all this to make me happy... thanks alot friends....


This is Price of buying drinks while going in to cinema... it's 27.8 oh...

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