Saturday, November 29, 2008





是我想多了吗 ? 或许我不该执着吧 !



Monday, November 24, 2008


Holiday start just the 1st week, all of us gonna boring until die already la.. Pc, camel, h.see, come to my house and turn my house everyday can be say that. We all too lonely alone at home de. Everyday, we find programs to run...

Luckily on 22 and 23 nov we found a job to do de... The salary its quite ok..but the working hour its quite long la..Total 14 hours although include rest time 2 hours.But then nevermind since nothing to do at home why not we go for it?? It juz a sales , we can do it. haha...
The 1st Sat morning, we need to arrive there before 7.30am, but we all late dee .. 2 malay gals fetch us to the batu kawan stadium for the Jom Heboh roadshow. The sunlinght in the morning its really very very bright, very very hot. We are so studpid to go round and round but no sales.. From morning till around 6, we still get nothing. Everytime briefing, me and yve are the most bad sales. camel ar, and p. chiang at lease got some sales to go.

Anyway, they dint scold both of us or what la.. juz teach us the sale technic. Maple tell us that they are also a promoter before, they have been face the same problem like us too, so the smartest way is to stand near the dealer so that we can get more sales easily. Before the last briefing, we work harder to break an egg dee.. and truely we did it.

Although its not very good but we already done our best on the 1st day.

Taken when having our last briefing on the 1st day..( Tired day )

2nd day of Jom Heboh, we late again.. haha.. today, we be smart de. no need to go under the sun and pull sales de. no need to shout beside the customer like the 1st day dee.. I am glad the my dealer its very helpful. He help me to rise up my sales. help me to hit my target as well.. haha.. really appreciate.

Yeah !! finish our job and hit target de... So excited...haha

He is my 1st day dealer and is P.Chiang dealer for the 2nd day.

After out tired working for 2 days its time for us to enjoy dee.. We found a "Love" mark there...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy day...

I have a happy mood for the whole day... haha...
Early from the morning, when i go to sch Mr. Roger using our classroom, this mean that we no need to study for whole day dee..
Thus, we go to art 2 n start playing cards. First, we play uno, then we play snap, then bullshit, then haha.. adult games start...
In arts 2 there is a sportcheck master sleeping.. but there are still so brave to play at his back with handphone music on.. somemore that Ck2 still ask him wanna play or not... WOW.... Bravo... haha

But when recess... they heard someone said that maybe will sport check.. then now all began nervous. Ask for my car key to keep their belongings.
The prefect staring at the whole group of us..

After recess, they cant tahan their ichy hand, continue their games in art 1 again... haha.. but i am quite lucky.. i win Rm 10 ... haha... can watch movie dee... hehe... Thanks ya.. Pc & Bs.. haha...

At the evening, when i am watching tv channel, i saw my Husband -Rain..
His song 'Love story' and 'Rainism' become 2nd n 3rd place in k-chart.. haha so pround of him..

He juz release his album not more 1 month only wo.. haha...

Love him so so so much.... Aza aza Fightie... Sarangheyo Bi...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Movie day..

Tues, we juz finish our sch exam.. now still leave Muet on this Sat.
So today we plan to waych movie. Actually this is suggestion from Ping N Jac... but at last both of them dint go. Just me, camel, h.see, Jay 1, Alex, P.Chiang, and C.Mun.

When we arrive, we brought tiket for Bangkok dangerous then we go n find somethings to eat dee..We round here n there cant decide what to eat...Finally we walk untill own town dee...The waiters invited us to go in, but they still straggling behind.. At last no body go in... hehe... so shameful.. Thus, finally we went back to our favorites fast food restraunt - McD...
Look at camel, she said that the burger was so smooth, she dont wish to hurt it... haha...Eh... did any 1 say Martin head there??? hehe..

Accidentally, we saw Martin & Deborah enjoying their meal there too...And something miracle and so match was two group eating McD, Watching the same movie and also they siting in frant of us in the cinema.

Aiyoyo... take pic in toilet again... hehe.. But why our eyes close eh???

After movie its around 5.30 dee, when i reach home, i suddently remember that i have to sit for my acount paper. Luckily i dint continue shopping with camel n h.see.. haha...summore there its only me from arts 5, who is gonna take that exam.. Therefore i need to study hard to get extra marks for my Account de..

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


wow..almost 1 month dint online dee...
although sometimes will hand ichy upload blog..haha

I have my Muet speaking test today. We are the 1st group of lower 6 on 4 Nov.I am so nervous, seem so scary .When the examiner call the 1st group i am so worry, i wish to escape from the library, but at last still brave enough to walk in to sit for my speaking test la.haha..

I am candidate B in the test, i am thanks for i am not A like what in sch muet test. But then i am still cant speak well when individual test. I cant explain my point, i am to panic de. Haiz..

After 4 of us finish our individual test, they give us 2 min to redo our point. I ask the examiner a funny question - "can we discuss in mandrin" I tot its like what Mr. Roger test us. We have time to discuss before the real discussing start. While the examiner ask us to began our discussing on group i get shock, we dint discuss the final choice to support which point, then how to start???

At that moment, sze ling stolen my point to support de, then philip stolen bee yan point. So now we got 2 main point that suport by 2 candidates each. Its 50% to 50% each point. How to argue like that ?? Before ending the group discussing, philip explain to me for the point he support, then ask me am i support his point. I... I give up on my point at last and turn to support his point at the end.. haiz...Bad result de.

Subsequently when we out from the library, we saw Naresh. He told us that our block having a sport check again. My phone is in my beg at my classroom, not only mine, wilson phone in inside my beg too... OMG why so bad luck today huh??? I go and beg Mr.Roger to help us tke back our phone before I return to classroom.

While i back to classroom check my beg.. "still there ??"haha.. I am not so bad luck also ma hoh.. hehe.. Lucky wilson, if not this is the 3rd time he get confiscate de. Next we go out from the sch to have our meals de..when we come back sch its already recess time de. We ponteng quite long also la.. haha.. brave enough huh... hehe...