Thursday, November 6, 2008

Movie day..

Tues, we juz finish our sch exam.. now still leave Muet on this Sat.
So today we plan to waych movie. Actually this is suggestion from Ping N Jac... but at last both of them dint go. Just me, camel, h.see, Jay 1, Alex, P.Chiang, and C.Mun.

When we arrive, we brought tiket for Bangkok dangerous then we go n find somethings to eat dee..We round here n there cant decide what to eat...Finally we walk untill own town dee...The waiters invited us to go in, but they still straggling behind.. At last no body go in... hehe... so shameful.. Thus, finally we went back to our favorites fast food restraunt - McD...
Look at camel, she said that the burger was so smooth, she dont wish to hurt it... haha...Eh... did any 1 say Martin head there??? hehe..

Accidentally, we saw Martin & Deborah enjoying their meal there too...And something miracle and so match was two group eating McD, Watching the same movie and also they siting in frant of us in the cinema.

Aiyoyo... take pic in toilet again... hehe.. But why our eyes close eh???

After movie its around 5.30 dee, when i reach home, i suddently remember that i have to sit for my acount paper. Luckily i dint continue shopping with camel n h.see.. haha...summore there its only me from arts 5, who is gonna take that exam.. Therefore i need to study hard to get extra marks for my Account de..

1 comment:

camel1126 said...

haha~~i noe u an lian me la~~always upload my pic at ur blog!!haiz!!yaya!!i 4gt martin liao lo!!jz saw ur blog ka lai rmb oni!!