Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Family day

I play trunts today.. This is because no exam ma, not much benifits going to sch, so stay at home sleep... I wish to wake up at 9 with my parents them, but my narrow eyes cant open at all.. My mum, my aunt, my grandma, all wake me up but i am still stick on my bed... OMG really too sleepy de... Sorry, i promise de but i dint go.. I will go on next last week ...

At 12pm finally i wake up de.. hehe.. Sooner, they all come back home too.. Then i enjoy my meal and movie... Totally no mood to study my PA de.. hehe coz its the last paper de plus its objective so..hehe.. Nervertheless, i cant control my heart, i will worried.. Thus, i go back my room and study a bit la.. However, my stomach dunno why keep hungry.. My legs keep step in kitchen non-stop, like a mouse finding foods there..

At night, my cousin and uncle them arrive de.. Its time for dinner de.. This is the 1st normal day we having dinner together. (beside CNY)I really hope thats my parents will be there with us too..After dinner, my cousin and my bro them all gather at his room playing there, but i am alone studying.. I wish that there is no exam the next day, so that i can join them. Although i cant tahan and go play for a while de, but thats not fun enough la.. Haiz.. Never mind la.. I will got the chance next next week de.. haha..

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday My Dear Prince..

Thanks for be with me 1 years de..

Thanks for accompany me...

But sorry for i am not treating you nicely..

"Miyaneh" anyway, happy birthday.

" domu kumowo , sarang heyo "

Monday, May 25, 2009

Long time no see

We meet at Mcd again. Last sat, we go pasar malam saw mangee there. She is so charming now, With new hair style de.. She look so bright, become very white skin de.. But we are now becoming more and more dark.

However, this time we meet our seniors.. Really long time no see.. I think its their gathering la..
That cutie pin chuan come and say hi with us, and do funny things there.. haha..
Here is his cold words.." I got leg and got car, but i dont have bicycle." hehe.. I dunno why i keep laughing at this sentences. But when he start his real cold jokes, i cant laugh wo... haha... -_-!!

Anyway, keep in touch la..

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Its a special date today. 520.. It's a great day for couple.. And is a great day to remember too..

While is exam week.. And i juz finish PA paper.. I am so glad the the tips given its really helps. Both essay i read through the day before that. Thus i can save my time more for section d and e.

But i give up my graph section.. I return 15 marks for teacher.. Sorry Mr.Ng.

By the way, forgot bout that, tomoro is acc test. work hard on the next paper de.

Long time dint touch Acc paper 2, now do back revision feel that it is really really very difficult..

Almost ki siao de... Tips that given not yet finish revision, make me getting mad...

While, here is a great design found by wei hong..

Juz guest what is that... hehe.. i think you cant guest it correct...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Good news

Just finish my 1st test.. PP 2.. Haha.. Not bad ya.. Drop a small rock de..
Another good news is hiak hiak hiak...
Who's going to KL trip with us will get the benefits too..

chiang chiang chiang chiang.....
" We get the permission to EnTer 8TV de"...
We can watch live record for 8864...
Anyone need Gary's autograph remember to bring ur own notes book oh.. haha...
Remember to bring camera too oh... If not that will be a heavy loss for you oh...
Maybe just once in ur life time...