Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Family day

I play trunts today.. This is because no exam ma, not much benifits going to sch, so stay at home sleep... I wish to wake up at 9 with my parents them, but my narrow eyes cant open at all.. My mum, my aunt, my grandma, all wake me up but i am still stick on my bed... OMG really too sleepy de... Sorry, i promise de but i dint go.. I will go on next last week ...

At 12pm finally i wake up de.. hehe.. Sooner, they all come back home too.. Then i enjoy my meal and movie... Totally no mood to study my PA de.. hehe coz its the last paper de plus its objective so..hehe.. Nervertheless, i cant control my heart, i will worried.. Thus, i go back my room and study a bit la.. However, my stomach dunno why keep hungry.. My legs keep step in kitchen non-stop, like a mouse finding foods there..

At night, my cousin and uncle them arrive de.. Its time for dinner de.. This is the 1st normal day we having dinner together. (beside CNY)I really hope thats my parents will be there with us too..After dinner, my cousin and my bro them all gather at his room playing there, but i am alone studying.. I wish that there is no exam the next day, so that i can join them. Although i cant tahan and go play for a while de, but thats not fun enough la.. Haiz.. Never mind la.. I will got the chance next next week de.. haha..

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