Monday, November 9, 2009

Michael Jackson-Gone too soon

Gone Too Soon 走得太早

like a comet 像一颗流星
blazing 'cross the evening sky 燃烧着划过夜空
gone too soon 转瞬即逝/稍纵即逝
like a rainbow 像一道彩虹
fading in the twinkling of an eye 在你眼里闪烁着渐渐消褪
gone too soon 转瞬即逝/稍纵即逝

shiny and sparkly (象晚上)闪耀的烟花
and splendidly bright 那华丽的光辉
here one day 这个一瞬的白昼
gone one night 消失后还是黑夜
like the loss of sunlight on a cloudy afternoon 象多云的午后偶现了阳光
gone too soon 转瞬即逝/稍纵即逝

like a castle 象一个城堡
built upon a sandy beach 建造在沙地海滩上/象堆砌在沙地海滩上的一个城堡
gone too soon 转瞬即逝/稍纵即逝

like a perfect flower 象一朵盛开到极点的花儿
that is just beyond your reach 却生在你无法采摘的地方
gone too soon 转瞬即逝/稍纵即逝

born to amuse...本想像往常般开个玩笑
to inspire, to delight 激励你,带给你欢乐
here one day 那愉快的时光
gone one night 已经被这黑夜所替代(已经被这死神所夺走)

like a sunset dying 象日没后的晚霞
with the rising of the moon 随着月亮的出现
gone too soon 转瞬即逝/走得太早
gone too soon 转瞬即逝/走得太早

This is a song,Michael wrote personally for his friend. A young child name Ryan White, who suffer from hemophilia and had been infected AIDS and die at the age turning of 18.

And now i dedigated this song to Michael. Altought he is no longer with us, But I miss him deeply and constandly. He is gone, but i am sure his life is meaningful beyond his pass.

1 comment:

Sherri said...

He really gone too soon T.T
TOO SOON that I haven't get to know him yet :(
Oh well. Rest in peace...