Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"This It Is" again.

Today, I cant tahan myself de.. I go watch the 2nd times. I feel that is worth for me to watch again and again.. I wont regret, I am sure.
and then here we go.. I am late for the 1st time de, i dont wish to late again.. Therefore after enjoying my meal- baked cheese rice at chooper board. I run up to the cinema.. But both of them still lengang lengang walk in. Luckily when i am in the theater, is not screen yet.. If not i sure kill this 2 fellow, or I'll watch again.. haha...

Actually the 1st time when i watch with Rachael and Sheri them.. I miss up a lot.. around 20 mins more.. Fortunately, I came and watch the 2nd time with CAython and Yugesa. I was excited at 1st.. Is the screen about his dancers with tears telling us about the rehearsal. 1 guy said that he came far away from somewhere to dance with MJ. But now, they even not step up on the stage yet and MJ passed away de.. All his dancers miss him alot and say that MJ is really friendly and kind to them..

Next when the music came..I am overjoyed with that.. I sing a long with MJ.. I wish to shout as loud as I can, but I scared that people behind me will scold me.. haha and kick me out.. haha.. He is really genius..Every move of his, is.... amazing. His sweet sweet sound, his cute attitude. And i remember that, he was so adorable when he asking for water.. his voices... OMG... I wish to litsen it more.

When the songs Earth song play, what he said in the video, is meaningful. I started to tears... and soon Yugesa.... haha.. He say in 4 years time, if we still not going to save the Earth. We will loss the world. The Earth is sick now.. We need to cure it.. Goverment will just say ok ok we will take care, but they not really did it well.. Therefore who start it 1st?? Is from US..

I dunno why, I will keep smiling when i saw MJ.. Its really like a fans watching his concert, wish to shout wish to hug him, wish to kiss him, wish to sing with him. Even i tears also, will smile and cry.. You know, its hard to explain the feeling but.. Is something like that.. I feel the love even from the video.. He keep saying that I love you, god bless you..And i know he really do love us.. With his eyes, showing sincerity to us...That's why making me more and more love him...

He connecting people around the world, with his songs, his heart, his love. Every single songs of his, there is meaning inside the lyrics. And mostly is about himself. What he feel to the world, how people treat him, and so on.. I love every songs of his, with his miracle voices. This is it...

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