Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bad Luck..

Recently, i was so bad luck...What happen to me???

Sept 22 -
my laptop having some problems..
Sept 28 -
i crash my dad car by my White Prince ..( really stupid me )
Oct 4 -
I accidentally destroy all my things in my beg...
Including my purse, camera, hand phone, and......etc .
My hand phone now its still ok.. but camera.. haiz.. spoilt dee..
the Seller say it maybe will cost aroud RM 1000 to repair it, if its really cant turn on... I almost faint when i heard that... We brought it not more then 1 month only.. and the price of repairation is higher than the price of the camera...I am so regret that i bring the camera there...
There is a presentiment to shows that i should not bring it.. but i force myself to bring..
Why am I so stubborn???
On the same date.. after Leo installation & orientation.. i forgot to bring my pp book ..I realise it when i am on the way sending kui 2 go home..
Its almost reach his house dee, but we gotto return bec to sch and take it..
But he is so lucky that i fetch him. Coz his house key is also there and he totally dint realise it..He need to be grateful that i fetch him back ..haha..

Oct 10 -
When I am planing to go back home after sch, Kui2 ask us to go for badminton. Then he request to send him to permata, at 1st i dont meant to sent him there... but i forgot to drop him down.. so I be forced to send him there la.. then w.hong them play there too lo, since he invited us to play also.. before reach there i pass trough wrong road..
then when i am inside that area, i go trough wrong direaction too, then make my car bumper broke down. That stupid place and stupid drain..

Sept 15 -
I went to Perodua service centre to fix up my bumper..
But he told me that its spoilt and need to buy a new whole bumper to refix again... and the bumper cost Rm 50 and the service charge and fixing charge is also Rm 50 ++ so again need to waste Rm 100+ again de.

Tomoro start exam de.. i am so worry bout my result later.. I hope that i wont bad luck again and get bad result ... Got Bless me..

I feel so sorry, so regret and so upset.

Things that should not be happen its a clue or sense to show.

Dont force to make it..

You will get the consequence.

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