Monday, October 20, 2008

Where is your manners???

When i am outside of my friends class, i told the teacher in mandrine that i wanna find my friend.. then the teacher told me he dont understand what i am saying, so never mind i translate again in english...
While i am talking to my friend, that stupid rude teacher walk in frant me and then shut up the door without telling anything..
If you not allow me to find ur student when ur period then just tell la... why so rude? close ppl out side the door when i am talking to my friend???
As a teacher you should behave like a teacher, this is not what a teacher should do....Stupid You Dump Dog.. A school have a bad rude teacher how the student in that sch will behave good??? No wonder the school get a special name of Monkey Boy School...

1 comment:

CHAO YU said...

Hey hey!! js found out ur blog..sori ya..linked u d!!