Tuesday, October 28, 2008

5P1 Gathering.

Long time dint online dee...
finally finish exam in the 1st week dee...
its holiday now for 5 day .haha...
Alot of plan waiting to be done dee...

On 26th, we have our 1 year graduation gathering at golden steamboat..
We meet at 6 pm there.. but there are some that late to be there and also some are absent...
I miss them so so so much... everyone its become so pretty so matured de..Look so different... But those who are still studying with uniform are still very childish...haha...

from left~ Fishie, Venuss

2nd row ~ Praisy, Momo, Yarn5P1 Leng Lui... hehe 4 study in Han Jiang, 3 study in MBS..

After we finish our dinner we go to New World Park enjoy and to improve our talking skill again.. Its almost a year dint meet each other dee... A lot of topic to discuss about.

But unluckily, that day is deepavali eve.. there's a event hell in the states there... its so noisy... we cant talk, so finally we play cards.. playing Snap haha... 2 groups playing, 1 is yun pei, camel, venuss, yi min, tomato,4 of yarns group.... anoher 1 is me, ping, fish, jac, qing, joe, 3 of wannee's group.. They are so excited.. keep shouting... the customer there keep stare at us because we are to noisy haha... we disturb them for watching football..

Arounf 10.30,we continue enjoy song inside the restraunt. Qing request for the song but we cant heard at last.. coz is rest time for singers dee... By the way we already listen to fews song request by others.

Its a fun and memorable day for 5p1. It will be a sweet memory in my mind forever.. I wish to meet 5p1 every year.. wish to keep in touch and be friends forever n ever....Love you all 5p1... Muackzzz... We are the Best..


camel1126 said...

(But those who are still studying with uniform are still very childish...haha...)
hey...u say me la~~hng~~good la~~act i wanna say tat mature 1 is me...bt after read this,i noe u say me 1....good la u...

greenlover said...

haha camel..
u know mo say u d
still mention it again at here
but luckily the most childish not u..
is... hehe
start with letter F ehehe