Monday, April 27, 2009


Finally its the last day de..
The feeling so strong today..
Everyone became so down de..
You are now full with happiness de..
Dont worry about anyone of us de..
Stay happily in the next world.
Goodbye to you forever..
We will miss you and remember your cuties, funnies face deeply in our heart..

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Useless Me....

What a useless girl i am for you..
I even dunno what you call me usually..
I never notice how you look like clearly..
I never talk to you much ever too..
Even when you needed help i never help directly.
I feel really ashamed that i never take care of you...
Now its already too late i know..
But still I need to tell you one last time.
I am sorry...
Hope you will happy in your new journey...
You must take good care already ya...
Dont get hurt anymore... You should not deserve it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I am really very scared now..
What can i do ??
What can i help ??
What should i do ??
By the way, I hope you will get well soon la...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day which getting crazy...

When I am on my way to sch, the sky is really deeply dark although it's 7 something de..It raining heavily.. This means my husband miss me very much lo.. haha..

Anyway, today is MUET exam, I feeling pain in my tummy when I arrived sch.. Maybe too nervous de... haha.. Soon the exam is gonna start de.. And our foolish classmate Philip Aw, walk in class with relaxing mood.. When he sat down.. Suddenly, he sprang up and shout - "Shit, I forgot to bring my school back.." Guys, do you know where he leave his school back??? hahaha In his dad's car.. What a senseless boy he is... hehe.. But he really making joy for the whole class and make us relax before exam la.. hehe Thanks ya Philip ... wahaha....

After school, going to ting house...Having lunch together..When having our meal, that naughty ting and give ar, keep shoot me with nonsence ar... HNG...

Hey, hey hey, look here... I found something related to us.. hehe
Notice anything de??Its us.. haha, Understand what i mean???
You will catch it one day.. hehe..

Yor...look at my eyes..The result of not enough sleep la.. All Jay N Yuan fault la..Gish....
By the way actually we are waiting for J1 .. But that uncle zai he very ham ban ar, still wish to be pig before meeting us ar.. Wasting my time nia....haiz... Around 3.40pm we drive to his house , mana tahu the place we wanna enter close at 5pm pula.. And the time we arrive is already 4.10pm d. ARRGGHH...

Then bo huat la, we need to choose another destiny - McD in tesco.. Again started their silly jokes.. The Funnies was the 4.5, separate Kui.. Hehe.. I really need blanket ar...haha
While they are working hard on their homework, me and ting too boring de nothing to do, we playing with camera.. haha.. Here it is the result of our capturing..

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pc Fair

Finally i am free to go Pc Fair de... That's the last day de.. And When I am there its really full ar... Full Of what??? sure full of people la.. Of course shouting and promoting too.. I meet lots of friends there.. Some are seniors, junior of CDK, last year pc fair collegue, even old neighbour too I can meet them there ar.. So conclusion i wanna tell is... If anyone miss your old friends, please attend to pc fair, you can meet lots of your friends there...Its True...Try and see during next Pc fair la.. hehe

And lastly, Thanks for dropping me and accompany ya.. Give & Wen..
Thanks for showing me the fish bone too.. haha.. But i think some1 need it more then me...haha..

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

With Jahkeeyea

After meeting at sch back home nothing to do.. So call up give to hang out with.. We go Mcd again.. Are we really no place to go de?? haha.. Although the name is same, but the place is different. We never when there together before.. I just when once with kui only..

Today, we are totally become twins de.. using same phone, wearing same style, doing same things with... OMG .. Thats without any planning oh.. Jahkeyea.. Our mo qi become more better de oh..

We keep open fire in Mcd.. Laugh at each other..Like a mad girls.. By the way, we saw 2 boys sitting next table.. They are using same phone and same bag. We are guessing....are they buddy too... (act give guess that they maybe gay) haha..

Sooner, we went for a walk at sunshine square..When climbing the stare, luckily both of us dint fall together la if not really xia sui.. hehe..While actually we go in sunshine got mission to complete.. That's to rescue fish.. hehe..

We are capturing ourself with our couple phone together...
There's the result we fail.. -_-
Thus, captured with a normal pose.
Its Me.... haha

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sports Day

Finally sports day arrived.. It is not a bright sunny morning, but it is a dark rainny morning. I think my husband too miss me de lo.. pai say ya everyone.. He also wanna come and support me la. haha... But he is here i am getting more n more nervous.. Are they going to cancel the programs today? will it replace on sat.. I am so so so worried.

While the rain is getting smaller, teacher come and ask us to prepared for marching de.. arrg.. But we not yet ready... So rush at that time.. Costume not yet ready, not yet briefing... and so on la.. And my 400m event ko gonna start at the same time.. thats only 1 word occurs in my mind-Scared... The rain is still not stop, but teacher want us to start running de. Are they crazy? the field is so wet so disgusting la...My heart betting faster n faster.. so scare that i will fall and fail.

However, after the run, i get 3rd place.. Really thanks god.. haha.. I dint disappoited my teacher, friends and "special coach" haha.. Thanks a lot really.. That is more than enough for me to get 2nd runner-up. Next, I need to change my costume for marching de.. Thats a far far way to go for me .. My leg is lost of strength to walk almost half of the field de.. Its really tiring..

After change and match, while we are waiting at the center of the feild, rain is getting bigger n bigger again. But we only can stand there and wait for the open ceremony to take part.. This is the 1st time i had my sports day in a raining day. Its really a memoriable day.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Western Food..

Its our next destination after concert at Hannah's church..Have you ever seen a huge glass of fruit juice?
Here it is...
Its double and going to be triple of a phone de.. How we gonna finish it up??
Let's try this...
We are drinking now..Wanna share with too??
Wow.. Not bad ya.. Almost finish de.
It looks like a traffic light don't you..


Since here is the fact that burn up you all, then I hope here is also the place where to cold down you all...
Nothing can be perfect, even people...

If I did wrong, I can apologize, But please tell me why.

Everyone had its own weakness, limit. Sometimes even he/she did wrong he/she wont know until you tell. Maybe what he/she think that's true, but in your view, the things he/she did is over your limit, in your though that is wrong, Then if you don't tell how he/she know??? Different people have different thinking..

I prefer to walk straight then to turn a round. True means True. False means False.
This is what i had learn, "Don't use others word to fit in your own point. "

What you think is just you think. Maybe that's not the truth. Hope you can learn it.
Think too much sometimes you will hurt the most.

I apologize here for what you all though I was wrong in.


I dunno whether is it work or not, but at lease this is the only way to make us feel better.
This is the 1st step to go forward...