Friday, April 3, 2009


Since here is the fact that burn up you all, then I hope here is also the place where to cold down you all...
Nothing can be perfect, even people...

If I did wrong, I can apologize, But please tell me why.

Everyone had its own weakness, limit. Sometimes even he/she did wrong he/she wont know until you tell. Maybe what he/she think that's true, but in your view, the things he/she did is over your limit, in your though that is wrong, Then if you don't tell how he/she know??? Different people have different thinking..

I prefer to walk straight then to turn a round. True means True. False means False.
This is what i had learn, "Don't use others word to fit in your own point. "

What you think is just you think. Maybe that's not the truth. Hope you can learn it.
Think too much sometimes you will hurt the most.

I apologize here for what you all though I was wrong in.


I dunno whether is it work or not, but at lease this is the only way to make us feel better.
This is the 1st step to go forward...

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