Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day which getting crazy...

When I am on my way to sch, the sky is really deeply dark although it's 7 something de..It raining heavily.. This means my husband miss me very much lo.. haha..

Anyway, today is MUET exam, I feeling pain in my tummy when I arrived sch.. Maybe too nervous de... haha.. Soon the exam is gonna start de.. And our foolish classmate Philip Aw, walk in class with relaxing mood.. When he sat down.. Suddenly, he sprang up and shout - "Shit, I forgot to bring my school back.." Guys, do you know where he leave his school back??? hahaha In his dad's car.. What a senseless boy he is... hehe.. But he really making joy for the whole class and make us relax before exam la.. hehe Thanks ya Philip ... wahaha....

After school, going to ting house...Having lunch together..When having our meal, that naughty ting and give ar, keep shoot me with nonsence ar... HNG...

Hey, hey hey, look here... I found something related to us.. hehe
Notice anything de??Its us.. haha, Understand what i mean???
You will catch it one day.. hehe..

Yor...look at my eyes..The result of not enough sleep la.. All Jay N Yuan fault la..Gish....
By the way actually we are waiting for J1 .. But that uncle zai he very ham ban ar, still wish to be pig before meeting us ar.. Wasting my time nia....haiz... Around 3.40pm we drive to his house , mana tahu the place we wanna enter close at 5pm pula.. And the time we arrive is already 4.10pm d. ARRGGHH...

Then bo huat la, we need to choose another destiny - McD in tesco.. Again started their silly jokes.. The Funnies was the 4.5, separate Kui.. Hehe.. I really need blanket ar...haha
While they are working hard on their homework, me and ting too boring de nothing to do, we playing with camera.. haha.. Here it is the result of our capturing..

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