Thursday, May 14, 2009

Good news

Just finish my 1st test.. PP 2.. Haha.. Not bad ya.. Drop a small rock de..
Another good news is hiak hiak hiak...
Who's going to KL trip with us will get the benefits too..

chiang chiang chiang chiang.....
" We get the permission to EnTer 8TV de"...
We can watch live record for 8864...
Anyone need Gary's autograph remember to bring ur own notes book oh.. haha...
Remember to bring camera too oh... If not that will be a heavy loss for you oh...
Maybe just once in ur life time...


CHAO YU said...

haha..congrates! i went dere b4 2!! n saw him in person n 8e news

♥ 涵 ♥ said...

izit?? fun or not??? hehe..i really cant wait to start my holiday de... haha