Saturday, August 29, 2009

Trip To Sabah

First of all, in my mind, i tot that Sabah, Sarawak was those place very 'kampung'. So this time was a great time for me to change my mine about it.. Its totally not.. Can say that even advance then Perak.

1st day - 28/08/09
Its raining day.Non-stop from my birthday (27/08). Its Rain accompany me la.. haha..
But it cause the plane to delay. The plane suppose to be fly at 1000am, but it flied at 1220am. Wasting time there, nothing to do so, just notice what we all did there..

Finally, arrived at Kota Kinabalu Airport de. The time now is 1604PM. Look at all those luggages. Almost same height with me de.

Our tour guide fetch us back hotel, after that without taking rest we all went for a walk walk around the hotel area. Know why?? coz everybody hungry until cant tahan de.. Dint intake any meal yet since breakfast. After meal, shop shop at the shopping center, then only go back hotel and rest.

Around 2100PM, Its time for dinner de. They are going to give me a surprise birthday cake but so careless, they dint notice that I am standing at her back when she is holding the cake.. haha..some more deny that thats not for me wo.. haha. Its a large number of spending for this birthday party.. Seafood birthday party.. Cost RM 1000++
And its quite nice and delicious for the dinner. I appreciate it.. Thanks ya.hehe.

They edit my aged de.. 'SAD_SAD'

# Sharon - Monique - Christine #

Next, we jog at the night pasar, actually cant say it is night pasar also la.. cause it open from morning till night and we went at night time so.. just call as night market lo. There is lot of unique fish I haven seen before. Look at the colorful one, name parrot fish.. The shape of mouth its really like parrot. I heard they said, the inner part if the fish, its very soft and white.. Top 5 delicious oh. But is when the parrot fish grown bigger become "Shu Mei". While others, I dunno what fish is that. hehe.

We walk and we walk, finally we reach a huge shop with severals seafood stall. Its really look like Hong Kong, i mean the surrounding of all those seafood. We just finish western style of seafood, now they all walk until hungry again de, decide to try on chiness style.. There a couple of fish with the weight of 3KG++ As big as my hand's length, Amazing. Well, that's all for the 1st day.. Night-nite

Day 2 -29/09/09
Wake up at 8 something preparing for our day tour de..TOday going to Bukit Kinabalu. Hiking?? haha impossible, there is so many gina, how to climb wo.. Although I quite wish to look at the sunrise there. But no choice, next time la.. Therefore, just take picture with Malaysia Top Mountain only la...

Starting point ^

Next destination were Kinabalu Park to experience Canopy walk and enjoy hot spring..
We need to climb up around 3KM to walk on the canopy.At the 1st and 2nd stage, its feel like nothing. Just normal height because lots of tall tree below us..But at the last stage.WOW.. Feel big different, and even longer. Its shaking and the trees became lower, or maybe the bridge became higher de...We all trembling with fear while crossing the last part.

Then, we continue with our next places - Hot spring area..

After that dinner then that's the end of 2nd day tour. Return hotel again. Its quite early la.. around 2000PM only. Excluding for man. They still got a night party -Clubbing. Even my bro also went too.. I mean big bro la..Wherease for woman and girls stay at hotel. Playing psp la, watch tv la. As for me, I online lo.. haha. So thats why I can write this blog mah...hehe

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"Lie" Surprise..

I receive a text msg from H.min told me that she is very sad now,coz Ck need a break. The reason is Ck still got feel with Water??? Izit truth?>? So surprise to heard that. Qin is not in Penang how he feel that he still love her?? strange!!! I msg ck, izit true to let go H.m, He said yes, he decide de. Summore ask me to told her that 'not worth to love him'. Ok fine never mind thats their things, none of my business. I juz need to console her.. Then, i drive her to paradise, she told me that she wanna take back something they hide in the sand there..

When we arrived, the scene is really nice. I am asking her for a pic. And she told me ' my face cant even smile you want me to take pic with you ar' ok lo... then never mind lo.. i captured my own.. Actually is really geli there. Coz last time when we went there, Wen told us about the ghost house story on the beach.. I feel mo qui chang although i got no mo...

We walk and walk and walk, suddenly i saw a group of guys gathering there. I tot maybe which college student having party there again de. but suddently i heard a voice sound like Pc, but impossible is him, because he's in KL ar.. So juz ignore it. Then i saw a guy wearing singlet, so i am sure impossible is my friends de. Because our gang no body dare to wear singlet eh... haha.. Mana tahu, i saw they all light up the cake and heard someone say 'she is here de la' then only i know i get fool de... OMG great planning ar.. summore Kl, break up and cancel my dinner plan with others friend. Clever neh... Cm i got to say bravo you.. I wonder how you go and found that who i am going to having dinner.. Are you msging all of them??? haha

Anyway, I got to say thanks to you all and Thanks for the party.. I am glad that not only me that get fool.. haha.. August baby boy also kena cheat.. haha.. Happy cheating la.. And Happy Birthday to all August baby too.. Thanks guys again.. I love you all..... Muackz.. I am glad that you all are my friends... Gamshahamnida...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


昨天早上,当我在享受美好的睡眠时,电话响了。顽皮的鸿,拨了,当我接起电话时又挂掉了好几通。简直是破坏我的美眠。其实,他是要我陪他读书。真想不理他,可是却一直被4通+2条sms吵醒。前一晚,3 点我才有的躺在我那温暖得床叻,结果还不到10个小时,那小子竟然把我给吵醒。真是气死我啦!!!


可惜,现在都没了。我不了解为什么一通我也没再接过了。是我做错什么了吗?怎么都不敢跟我讲呢? 我真的很怀念在一起读书,一起欢乐,一起糊闹的时刻。你的害羞,你的笑容,甚至你生气的表情都会导致你脸红,每个神情都让我很想念。你的声音似乎在我耳边突然消失似的,好让我不习惯。你的身影,就像被风吹走了似的,离的我越来越远。站在我面前的你只让我觉得是我最熟悉的陌生人。


还记得在 7月17日,我曾拨电给你吗?可却没说什么就挂了吧。其实那时我有好多话想说,想问,但因某些原因我临阵退缩了。要再开口不难,只难于该从何开始说起。




Qingu, zuisonghamnida.
na chong mal sarangheyo.

Wil, i am sorry. Things that i promise you, now i break it again de. --------- ~Mo

Friday, August 7, 2009


嬉笑 打闹 拥抱 留下了那么多开心合照
互相取暖依靠 熬过了最低潮
一起生活 也一起埋怨过 走过最好与最糟
我在心里想的不用说明 你知道

晨昏日夜颠倒 这房子突然没从前热闹
散落一地微笑 没有人去打扫
感情很微妙 再多付出也好 再多关心都徒劳

我的难过是如此低调 因为不想打扰
我在寂寞的墙角 努力的对自己好
你用微笑回报 朋友或情人不重要
我的悲伤是如此低调 傻子才会哭闹
就算你发现也好 我想你一定会选择
假装不知道 只怕我自己的掩饰 不够好

Special Day Ever..

12 : 34 : 56 7 / 8 / 09

Thanks for celebrating this special day and time with me Will. haha..
Thanks for telling me this memorial day Rachel.
I got your contact from this day at that time. I will remember forever d i think.. haha..
Keep in touch ya.