Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"Lie" Surprise..

I receive a text msg from H.min told me that she is very sad now,coz Ck need a break. The reason is Ck still got feel with Water??? Izit truth?>? So surprise to heard that. Qin is not in Penang how he feel that he still love her?? strange!!! I msg ck, izit true to let go H.m, He said yes, he decide de. Summore ask me to told her that 'not worth to love him'. Ok fine never mind thats their things, none of my business. I juz need to console her.. Then, i drive her to paradise, she told me that she wanna take back something they hide in the sand there..

When we arrived, the scene is really nice. I am asking her for a pic. And she told me ' my face cant even smile you want me to take pic with you ar' ok lo... then never mind lo.. i captured my own.. Actually is really geli there. Coz last time when we went there, Wen told us about the ghost house story on the beach.. I feel mo qui chang although i got no mo...

We walk and walk and walk, suddenly i saw a group of guys gathering there. I tot maybe which college student having party there again de. but suddently i heard a voice sound like Pc, but impossible is him, because he's in KL ar.. So juz ignore it. Then i saw a guy wearing singlet, so i am sure impossible is my friends de. Because our gang no body dare to wear singlet eh... haha.. Mana tahu, i saw they all light up the cake and heard someone say 'she is here de la' then only i know i get fool de... OMG great planning ar.. summore Kl, break up and cancel my dinner plan with others friend. Clever neh... Cm i got to say bravo you.. I wonder how you go and found that who i am going to having dinner.. Are you msging all of them??? haha

Anyway, I got to say thanks to you all and Thanks for the party.. I am glad that not only me that get fool.. haha.. August baby boy also kena cheat.. haha.. Happy cheating la.. And Happy Birthday to all August baby too.. Thanks guys again.. I love you all..... Muackz.. I am glad that you all are my friends... Gamshahamnida...

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