Thursday, October 14, 2010

1st time at kachi

Since morning until noon, I already randomly meet 7 person differently from Program member and now I am going to gather again with another program members... total meet 10 a days. This is the 1st time i step out to kachi mall.. There is lots of stall and all were open, not like ours, sometimes close, sometimes open, as they like... *beh song* Anyway, Sc were our tour guide, he intro us to eat nasi panas, but at last all eat chinese rice..haha.. juz him alone eating nasi pataya.. While Sc juz finish his rice, here comes joke.. but then both the topic girl and boy not yet finish they meal yet. They say its hard for them to continue their rice.. Its full of laugh around them..and they prepare to defend us... so make them finish their meal in 1 hour time..
This time i thk whole kachi mall ppl know us well d, start to blacklist us d lo.. Coz we really very very bising in laughing.. and my friends were sitting in frant and behind me, they keep shhhhh me.. haha.. But i really cannot tahan with their ~ your left side and opposite and beside, 'lan4 jiao not lan3 jiao', K.w spread rice and Carol spread drinks on W.c twice, sum more hitting pat pat part.... Muahahaha.. really funny la.. My tummy really beh tahan lo.. even now also i ..... Muahahaha...
While happiness time always past by very fast, Its time to say good buy again d... K.w ask when to gather tomoro again.. He say he really too miss someone d.. haha.. Kidding, He cant tahan without our laughter... Actually me too.. I'm gald that i know you all well during the last week of preparation on Moonfest. Its my pleasure.. while feel sad for our W.c koko, he need to leave us after 2 weeks d... Seong Sam lo.. juz know each other well nia need to seperate d... So now we got to gather more n more d lo.. to avoid regretness. See you guys again ya... Happy family...

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