Wednesday, January 28, 2009

2nd night of CNY

erm.... Today as usual, we go to office celebrate plus taking ang pao..
Its quiteboring there,but luckily we book to watch movie at night de..
Its first time 1 when out with friend during CNY leh... We go qb watch " The Wedding Games" its act by Singapore real couple..haha... i really love to see both of them...hehe..

Around 5 something i go fetch my jahkeeyea, then back my home. Then pc come my house we go qb together to meet g.w. The movie its very very nice.. Both of the main actor so match so sweet in that movie.. I really enjoy this movie.. On the other hand of us so gam so you mo qi we wearing 2 pairs same colour.. Inside cinema, i totally lose control, too excited inside de.. That naughty Gw tell Sg i forgot to eat medcine today... HNG... i no need medcine 1 kay haha.. i am very natural lo..haha..
Its full of people.. really people mountain, people sea..haha...Haha.. Its 4 of and whiteWe take picture at kids corner, because we are big kids...hehe

It is a very nice background...

It our car, still with ribbon lo...

Black + White

After movie, we go e-gate have our dinner. It wont be too expensive, and its quite delicious la... haha...After dinner we siting infront of sushi king playing big 2.. haha..still request other ppl help us to take pic.. hehe...

4th of us again...

We play until 1.30am, then my dad call me ask us to buy mum mum . We go round n round a lot of place cant found, all finish de... Luckily at last we still found a stall that still available... after that Gw fetch us back home de.. 4 of us keep singing in the car, duno when his window will crack.. haha... Anyway i really feel very enjoy and happy hanging out with u all... I will miss you all for this 6 days ya... Bogoshipuntayo...

I capture when they are talking bout something we duno..Friendship Forever

Monday, January 26, 2009

1st day of Cny

Early morning, my aunt wake me up when she arrive my house.. hehe.
I am still being pig when my cousin came.. So pai say...
here this is my 7th (h.yi) and 2nd (h.fen) sister, by 2nd uncle..

and She is 3rd (h.min) and 8th ( h.yee ) from my 3rd uncle.

After taking angpau and having lunch in my house, we went to visit other relative house de...
Then, my dad suddently bring us to visit his friends house.
Because his friends just move in, so they sun bian go take a look...
Uncle Yong and aunt Cindy so friendly, they let us start partying in thier new house..
Prepared barbecue for us to cook and eat..
Then, my dad go to his cousin house coz they call for dinner this time.
So my parent leave my 2 bro at uncle Yong house. I follow them to aunt Margret house.
My dad so childish, go and play with the dog at his cousin house.
When the dog bark, he want to cane it.. coz he got frighten de.. hehe
Finish dinnering, my dad ask them to join us back to uncle Yong house too...

This are my cutie cousin..
(Evangeline, Anise, Madeline)

Pretty Madeline ( Zhong Ka Yan )

My Uncle drank de.. haha...I think he drink alot de..
Look, they are bulying him...Even his own sis too.. Haiz...

Arha... now is my dad turns.. What he doing??
Become Santa claus??
While they all are going to end their party, I am going to my next destination de...
We decide to go Coffee Island for a drink..
There is full of human being.. Its so harly find a space for us to sit..
Even we wish to place cards also not enough..
So, we juz talk nonsense lo..
Two gina...

4 of us..3 of them playing with thier phone juz me so lonely drinking my mango...

Well, Happy Chinese New Year to you la..

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Kui Kui's birthday

1st two period,actually we wanna celebrate for Kui, but my class and their class also having Acc quiz, so change to 4th period.. They buy 'huat kui' to celebrate for him. summore the 'huat kui' they cut candle and let him blow... I know that Kui was very embarrass by our celebration... His face totally become a tomato.

Then during recess, agian we bought cake to celebrate for him. Its mango cake, very delicious..
I like it..

Agian wishing Kui 4th Bravoson Happy birthday...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Movie Day

Its our planing for Kui birthday celebration... But today i got tuition... so After tuition only i go and watch "All About Women " with them..
When i be in there, all of them already enter the cinema. Then me and W. Hong juz walk through the cinema without ticket. So yeng... we are jux like VIP haha...

The movie its quite funny and its very suitable for Kui2 today because the movie is also some1 birthday. And we sing birthday songs together with the actor inside..
Everytimes when we choose to celebrate birthday in cinema, Its so match the movie also got part of birthday celebration..

Mine birthday when we watch "Mirror"
Camel and Jennie birthday when we watch "Gp506 the Guard Post"
and now Kui Kui's birthday we watch " All About Women"

I really enjoy this movie, because its a bit same like me and jah kee yea, got 'huan xiang zhen' haha.. And its also call X haha... but X inside the movie is really very handsome then our X la..

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

1st day of "Pykett" training.

After school, we are finding some delicious food to fill in our stomach as lunch.
Finally our desicion made, that's bec to "CDK" enjoy fried rice.. Coz Give is going bec to fetch her sis too so 'sun bian' la...
When i drive in "CDK", feel a bit strange. Its look diffrent de, now is under renovation...
I guess both of the boys more nervous, they never been in our canteen. So today is the day they step in to enjoy fried rice.
While we are started to enjoy our meal, suddently saw someone special...Me n Give never saw her before, so i guess its "CDK" new principle... So timely they can meet "CDK" principle and having lunch with her... I am also quite 'lucky', 1st time I sit so close next to principle. WOW.. a bit scary... Luckily, i am already not student in "CDK" anymore, so for me that's just an aunty sitting next to me giving us advice for not bringing any guys bec to school again next time.
While when we are on the way going back to MBS, CDK guide block us and tell that the camera has scan la, copy num plate la and so on...Now i think all of us will be "wanted" at CDK de...

WANTED Student in CDK...

Back to training finally, the sun treat us very nice.. hehe...Its good for traning without sunnies sun. While actually today its to choose post for PYKETT only..1st of all, president of PYKETT.. Its Philip AW... then vice for girl actually its Jacelyn. But then she throw that for me and sendiri go and take for secretary. HNG... bad May ar.. 'xian hai' me... If xxx its president, then maybe you ask me to be vice i will more happy with that lo....hehe... HAiz... Geezzzz....

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Continue holiday gathering???

I wake up around 11 in the morning to waiting for my guest...Around 1, give reach de... She is here to told me the story of xxx. ( you all not allow to know ) haha... Then pc is here too to give me the cd and pendrive before he went to work.
Me and my jahkeeyea doing account and also chit-chating bout something... haha.. my jahkeeyea really very cute, she scare herself her own. Luckily it juz a mistake.. haha.. ah bo i think you will not stop WUL right.. haha..

4.00pm, B.Su arrive de...
4.30pm, camel arrive too.
We are now waiting for our Big big bro to arrive only...but time goes by, still dint saw him. So we done our things 1st, play big 2 , do homework, chating, discussing and so on...
I play big 2 in real cards i won them for 5 times leh.. haha. i am so good luck today... But while i am half way playing big 2.5 in comp, phone rang. Pc is on the line, he told that he cant be at my house in time de...

Aiya.. cant see my nice great cards.. hehe

Since we waiting him for so long de, all of us very very hungry de. My parents is going out for dinner so we have nothing to eat. Nevertheless, we got Pizza Huts voucher, then why not we having dinner there???haha...

After we finish dinner, i go to kfc bought mashed potato then when to hospital visit my bro de...
When we arrive hospital, its already 9 something de. So we stay awhile after my bro finish eating we when back home de...

10pm I reach my home, Pc its already waiting outside my house, but camel is going back home de... haiz.. therefore, juz leave me, give, pc, b.s and my naughty B. What to do?? start talking again lo... I also duno why we all got so much stuff to talk about.. haha.. Then start planing and write some words de.

Suddently my dad call me to fetch him back home, then i tot he is going other place so i drive the car for him then pc fetch me back home. When i open my door room, give and its not doing their things, they online and find cartoons + drawing..Both of them keep shoot each others...
Then mana tahu, i join in de.. haha.. i also online find info, but is horse pic... I saw lots of cute horses.. with sad mood, nice hairy style, cool pose .. really nice.

Time past by very fast. Its already 2 pm. My parent finally came back home de... But we are still talking nonsence. After a cleaning up things, and P.C back home de... My mum not allow give to go back... hehe so she stay with me....haha thats really good, so me and give after bathing we continue chating again... I think its almost 4 am only we fall a sleep...

The next morning, my naughty B wake us up at 10 am de.. We very hungry since from yesterday night, after pizza we never eat anything de.. Meanwhile, we wake up and make france toast and milo for our breakfast. When my parents go to visit my bro, me n give stay at home online looking at friends profile, photo and so on....

Around 4pm, I am going to fetch Give back home de. but we still not yet eat lunch so we go to nearest mamak stall to take meal.

This is what we two eat.. Only 2 of us oh... keat leh...

Domu mashita.. Its really very delicious.. you can try next time.. haha...

Friday, January 9, 2009

"Happy & Sad" cross together again...

I can use my window live now de... I have been waiting for 2 to 3 weeks de... so suffer without Window Live. Thanks to John... haha... domu gamsahamnida...

Something weird happen to my jahkeeyea.. My mood following her's get down from high.

" Jahkeeyea, wul karchimah... gukjung hajima. I'll Be there for you forever."
++ Aja aja fighting ++

Dont think too much la.. maybe juz like what xx said juz kidding with you leh.. or maybe xx no mood??
All can be reason what.. we should not think too difficulty right..
Things will be good after tomorrow.
Throw away tears and start over again.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Movie Day

"Yes man" its the title of the movie we watch today.
It is a quite meaningful and funny movie.
In this film, Terrance said say yes to everything at 1st, but its that good to say yes?
If i said 'YES' will things become better??
Then if i am saying 'NO' what will happen on me?
Start from now i think i should not say 'NO' de..
Then maybe life wont be so lonely, so down.

Monday, January 5, 2009

1st day back to school.

So fast holiday finish de... I have been so lazy to go to school this early morning. Although its quite miss all of my schoolmate la.. But then i really not so like the feel of schooling. No mood to study at all la...

Early morning headmaster keep talking bout his old time history, saying this and that. I am very very sleepy de still need to stand there n listen to what he say. Really feeling bad.
Back to class, its so dusty everywhere. But thats a place that all new and clean. --- Lavatory. Its new now, and also added 2 more de..

By the way, our form teacher still mantain the same. So glad to see him again. In that school, i feel that everyone look so different. Especially G.wen, become very 'cakap banyak' de. He look so different from last year. haha.. (Pai say ya saying ur bad word hehe...)

After school, I saw someone special to "momo ren". Both of us keep finiding xx trace. Unfortunately, just for a while, "ren" more pity juz saw xx 's back.

When we are on the way back home, me n jennie not wishing to go bec home to early, then w.hong suggest us to go qb. Then h.min say want, ck say cincai, w.hong say dont 1, he juz kidding, then me.... keep round n round at the round a bout for 3 round waiting their answer.

After parking, thats a choice again, to watch movie or to have our lunch. Again nobody can give a true answer include me. hehe... Finally we go eat KFC.. and shopping too.. Finding new look for w.hong... haha...