Sunday, January 11, 2009

Continue holiday gathering???

I wake up around 11 in the morning to waiting for my guest...Around 1, give reach de... She is here to told me the story of xxx. ( you all not allow to know ) haha... Then pc is here too to give me the cd and pendrive before he went to work.
Me and my jahkeeyea doing account and also chit-chating bout something... haha.. my jahkeeyea really very cute, she scare herself her own. Luckily it juz a mistake.. haha.. ah bo i think you will not stop WUL right.. haha..

4.00pm, B.Su arrive de...
4.30pm, camel arrive too.
We are now waiting for our Big big bro to arrive only...but time goes by, still dint saw him. So we done our things 1st, play big 2 , do homework, chating, discussing and so on...
I play big 2 in real cards i won them for 5 times leh.. haha. i am so good luck today... But while i am half way playing big 2.5 in comp, phone rang. Pc is on the line, he told that he cant be at my house in time de...

Aiya.. cant see my nice great cards.. hehe

Since we waiting him for so long de, all of us very very hungry de. My parents is going out for dinner so we have nothing to eat. Nevertheless, we got Pizza Huts voucher, then why not we having dinner there???haha...

After we finish dinner, i go to kfc bought mashed potato then when to hospital visit my bro de...
When we arrive hospital, its already 9 something de. So we stay awhile after my bro finish eating we when back home de...

10pm I reach my home, Pc its already waiting outside my house, but camel is going back home de... haiz.. therefore, juz leave me, give, pc, b.s and my naughty B. What to do?? start talking again lo... I also duno why we all got so much stuff to talk about.. haha.. Then start planing and write some words de.

Suddently my dad call me to fetch him back home, then i tot he is going other place so i drive the car for him then pc fetch me back home. When i open my door room, give and its not doing their things, they online and find cartoons + drawing..Both of them keep shoot each others...
Then mana tahu, i join in de.. haha.. i also online find info, but is horse pic... I saw lots of cute horses.. with sad mood, nice hairy style, cool pose .. really nice.

Time past by very fast. Its already 2 pm. My parent finally came back home de... But we are still talking nonsence. After a cleaning up things, and P.C back home de... My mum not allow give to go back... hehe so she stay with me....haha thats really good, so me and give after bathing we continue chating again... I think its almost 4 am only we fall a sleep...

The next morning, my naughty B wake us up at 10 am de.. We very hungry since from yesterday night, after pizza we never eat anything de.. Meanwhile, we wake up and make france toast and milo for our breakfast. When my parents go to visit my bro, me n give stay at home online looking at friends profile, photo and so on....

Around 4pm, I am going to fetch Give back home de. but we still not yet eat lunch so we go to nearest mamak stall to take meal.

This is what we two eat.. Only 2 of us oh... keat leh...

Domu mashita.. Its really very delicious.. you can try next time.. haha...

1 comment:

tomato yvelynn said...

keng lo..
v can finish all..
haiz..last time is a mistake,
but now..
nt a mistake d..
y i wil affect by him easily?!