Tuesday, January 13, 2009

1st day of "Pykett" training.

After school, we are finding some delicious food to fill in our stomach as lunch.
Finally our desicion made, that's bec to "CDK" enjoy fried rice.. Coz Give is going bec to fetch her sis too so 'sun bian' la...
When i drive in "CDK", feel a bit strange. Its look diffrent de, now is under renovation...
I guess both of the boys more nervous, they never been in our canteen. So today is the day they step in to enjoy fried rice.
While we are started to enjoy our meal, suddently saw someone special...Me n Give never saw her before, so i guess its "CDK" new principle... So timely they can meet "CDK" principle and having lunch with her... I am also quite 'lucky', 1st time I sit so close next to principle. WOW.. a bit scary... Luckily, i am already not student in "CDK" anymore, so for me that's just an aunty sitting next to me giving us advice for not bringing any guys bec to school again next time.
While when we are on the way going back to MBS, CDK guide block us and tell that the camera has scan la, copy num plate la and so on...Now i think all of us will be "wanted" at CDK de...

WANTED Student in CDK...

Back to training finally, the sun treat us very nice.. hehe...Its good for traning without sunnies sun. While actually today its to choose post for PYKETT only..1st of all, president of PYKETT.. Its Philip AW... then vice for girl actually its Jacelyn. But then she throw that for me and sendiri go and take for secretary. HNG... bad May ar.. 'xian hai' me... If xxx its president, then maybe you ask me to be vice i will more happy with that lo....hehe... HAiz... Geezzzz....

1 comment:

camel1126 said...

haha...so funny la...wanted...alamak...