Wednesday, January 28, 2009

2nd night of CNY

erm.... Today as usual, we go to office celebrate plus taking ang pao..
Its quiteboring there,but luckily we book to watch movie at night de..
Its first time 1 when out with friend during CNY leh... We go qb watch " The Wedding Games" its act by Singapore real couple..haha... i really love to see both of them...hehe..

Around 5 something i go fetch my jahkeeyea, then back my home. Then pc come my house we go qb together to meet g.w. The movie its very very nice.. Both of the main actor so match so sweet in that movie.. I really enjoy this movie.. On the other hand of us so gam so you mo qi we wearing 2 pairs same colour.. Inside cinema, i totally lose control, too excited inside de.. That naughty Gw tell Sg i forgot to eat medcine today... HNG... i no need medcine 1 kay haha.. i am very natural lo..haha..
Its full of people.. really people mountain, people sea..haha...Haha.. Its 4 of and whiteWe take picture at kids corner, because we are big kids...hehe

It is a very nice background...

It our car, still with ribbon lo...

Black + White

After movie, we go e-gate have our dinner. It wont be too expensive, and its quite delicious la... haha...After dinner we siting infront of sushi king playing big 2.. haha..still request other ppl help us to take pic.. hehe...

4th of us again...

We play until 1.30am, then my dad call me ask us to buy mum mum . We go round n round a lot of place cant found, all finish de... Luckily at last we still found a stall that still available... after that Gw fetch us back home de.. 4 of us keep singing in the car, duno when his window will crack.. haha... Anyway i really feel very enjoy and happy hanging out with u all... I will miss you all for this 6 days ya... Bogoshipuntayo...

I capture when they are talking bout something we duno..Friendship Forever

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