Monday, January 26, 2009

1st day of Cny

Early morning, my aunt wake me up when she arrive my house.. hehe.
I am still being pig when my cousin came.. So pai say...
here this is my 7th (h.yi) and 2nd (h.fen) sister, by 2nd uncle..

and She is 3rd (h.min) and 8th ( h.yee ) from my 3rd uncle.

After taking angpau and having lunch in my house, we went to visit other relative house de...
Then, my dad suddently bring us to visit his friends house.
Because his friends just move in, so they sun bian go take a look...
Uncle Yong and aunt Cindy so friendly, they let us start partying in thier new house..
Prepared barbecue for us to cook and eat..
Then, my dad go to his cousin house coz they call for dinner this time.
So my parent leave my 2 bro at uncle Yong house. I follow them to aunt Margret house.
My dad so childish, go and play with the dog at his cousin house.
When the dog bark, he want to cane it.. coz he got frighten de.. hehe
Finish dinnering, my dad ask them to join us back to uncle Yong house too...

This are my cutie cousin..
(Evangeline, Anise, Madeline)

Pretty Madeline ( Zhong Ka Yan )

My Uncle drank de.. haha...I think he drink alot de..
Look, they are bulying him...Even his own sis too.. Haiz...

Arha... now is my dad turns.. What he doing??
Become Santa claus??
While they all are going to end their party, I am going to my next destination de...
We decide to go Coffee Island for a drink..
There is full of human being.. Its so harly find a space for us to sit..
Even we wish to place cards also not enough..
So, we juz talk nonsense lo..
Two gina...

4 of us..3 of them playing with thier phone juz me so lonely drinking my mango...

Well, Happy Chinese New Year to you la..

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