Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Back to School Again...

After holiday break for CNY, today was the 1st day i went to school. I was absent for 2 days de...
I miss all my friends so much.. especially my jagkeeyea.. "domu bogosippontaeso"

Early in the morning, when i am on my way to sch, i am so cruel, i accidentally cross by a crop of cat.. I am so sorry to the cat.. Its so pity lying on the road and i cant move my starring and cross over it... really cruel me... Haiz...

During recess, c.mum them are discussing which movie to watch, then the movie name is "chi pi" , but wilson call it " chi ji" haha... really big big different.. where got movie name "chi ji" pula. haha...

While when i am with W.hong going back home after tuition, we saw someone wearing yellow T.
Then he go and wave hand with the guy, although is I ask too.. but i am juz kidding, i said that's KCT members so ask him to say hi.. But he is not.. duno which sch he is ....

Then along the road, the guy keep looking in my car, somemore say hi back to W.hong. That is a manners maybe, but a while later, we saw him going to another road separate with the way we are going. But a while later, he is behind us de... I am so curious how he can drive so fast from a different way to come back the same road with us.. He is keep looking at W.hong, maybe its interested on him...haha...

Congratuation ya Wei Hong... haha

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