Thursday, February 19, 2009


That is something happen make me very depressed ...
I lost my econ note book....
Plus My Sir is really not in class with us today de...
I cant even squeeze a little smile from my mouth..
The joke by kui2, chiang them is really funny,
but no one can really make me laugh, not even smile..
I have lose control when they are trying to ask me why...
I pretend to laugh on their cold story..
The more pretend to be happy , the worse i felt deep inside my heart..
I really have no idea of what to do and to solve...
Share its a problem, not to share its also a problem..
What is going on this whole week...
Betray, Blame, Cheat,
All happen in not more than 5 days..
How to accept all this in a short matter of time??

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