Monday, February 9, 2009

A lot of my 1st time happen....

Is the last 2nd day of CNY de.. so fast CNY gonna finish de.. So we got to visit the famous Kek Lok Si before end of New Year..
I stay at home for the whole morning waiting chances to inform my mum that i am going out tonight again.. I am so scared that she wont let me go because I went back late on last night too... So I request my Jahkeeyea to come over my house to do account 1st then only we go out...

Around 8pm, Jahkeeyea fetch me back her house waiting for gw and pc. While we waiting from 8.30pm to almost 9.00pm, Give let me ride on her bike for awhile.. Then she fetch me round nearby her house there.. We ride nearby to the house of ghost, but dint go in la off couse.. Its already late night.. We will pa pa mah... haha...This is the 1st time Jahkeeyea fetch me with her motor and car. besides that,it's also the 1st time i ride her motor to fetch her round car park... haha..

Too boring de laa...

When both of them arrive, we are not moqi enough this time de..Me,pc n gw wearing white shirt but give only the 1 wearing black.. On the other ha
nd, 3 of them wearing black helmet but only me wearing white helmet.. Geezzz....

Its the 1st time again, pc fetch me by his bike for such a long distance... Going up and down along the moutain.. I am scare actually, because again 1st time without
cover by any metal i go so far away from my house.. When we arrive KLS, is really very beatiful.. All the light switch on along the building.. really long time dint go KLS de. And now it is 1st time i visit KLS with friends after renovation of the statue of buddha...

After 11pm, all the light close and we leave KLS de.. We have no place to go.. So we just go straight la.. We past by timesquare, Mbs, and gurney drive then stop by enjoy firework at gurney..Next we stop by penang road for rescue fire... haha.... We meet Mayble wearing hotlink shirt there... hence, my 1st time stuff again.. 1st time i go in Flame and Mois.. Is quite famous places in Penang but we never step in before... but..hahaha... I try today de...thanks to pc n gw..

I think is the 1st time for u two wearing so casual go in there too right.. haha..
The clock is now at 12am.. Is time for us to go back home de.. Suddently, pc motor puncture.. Then a guy we saw when we at Lorong Kulit there come back again... Just now at L.Kulit, he ask gw the direction of road to thaipusam and now he ask pc for money to rescue his 'dai lou' from Kulim wo say that he's from which gang la, somemore show us his tattoo.. This shows that he is a liar la.. just to tipu money lo.. Luckily, we tak stud stud kena tipu... Although i am so afraid..
We call gw when we start puncture, but at the phone call, they say their motor also puncture wo.. So bad luck la 4 of us.. 1st time Pc fetch me and now puncture de...Who bad luck leh??? Fortunately, we are not very unlucky too la.. Coz we saw somebody that can repair the tyres, coz it's another 2 bike puncture too...Pc kena 1 nail only and Gw kena 3 nails but he can drive far away from Pc. In that case, we need to walk along the highway to find them lo.. Again, 1st time i walk on the lengthy and busy highway..<>

Therefore, I have try on lots of my 1st time.. Its really frightened, pleasure, and joyful... Thanks for setting up such enjoyable event. <>

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tomato yvelynn said...

yeng dao~!
love u chageeyea..quite happy tatday

♥ 涵 ♥ said...

haha... me too...