Friday, February 27, 2009

Party at Sunrise Pizza Hut..

This is celebration for Fei Cui birthday.. Its around 20++ MBS student the sound of MBS really very noisy.... but nvm la have fun enough de mah.. With White clothingBlack Clothing
After Pizza, we continue at Coffee Island, our "lau di fang" ..

Is almost full there, but still got a small area that can receive us la...
Next, thier big 2 start again de..

Whereas, we enjoy our ice-cream after that... My mummy help the shop to promote us, so we go and take a try lo...I like the environment there, and their chairs too.. haha..
The ice-cream is really delicious, but giant size lo.. Luckily we just order 2 set but not 4..
2 set we already full until going to vomit de, i really dunno how if we order per person... maybe need to go hospital to wash it de lo...haha (choy, kidding kidding)
Haha.. We emo b4 went back home..

Lastly, Happy Birthday to you Sayang - Fei Cui
Stay healthy and young...


|Qinz| said...

no good 1 la u..
leave me at coffee island..
want jahkeya only lo..
dont want qingu de lo..
somemore eat ice cream dint ask me..
unhappy le..=.=

♥ 涵 ♥ said...

haha... sorry qingu...
I jzu go for awhile only mah..
We coming back very dast de wo...
but you got ur joe also mah..
my jahkeeyea donthave any1 de wo...
so mush beside her lo..
really sorry la...qingu..dont sad..