Tuesday, March 27, 2012


What does hurts mean to you?
Does it feel pain?

To me it really cut deeply into my heart. I do not know why does this happen to me but I guess it is a common thing that everybody will face.

How to overcome this?
I do not have the answer with me, but what I can do is just heeling myself with my own way. What people told me is to protect myself. It is true and it is workable to do so, but sometimes when things happen in sudden, protection doesn't really work. Sometimes, you don't even know people are hurting you behind you.

When you get hurt, yes it similar with you have been cut in somewhere else. Nothing can rescue, unless you are willing to recover it.

It might takes time for a human to do so, as no one will get recover soon after they have been hurt. Smile will always be there on your face, but no one really know how hurt you are in your inner part. It is not a good thing to show to other as well, as it does not really make any impact, when you share. People might just get influence with all your bad hurt mood.

It's a random for me to pose this but, I would say " yes, I am injured with hurt now"

~ monique~

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