Tuesday, December 2, 2008

工作篇 2

Again we work as promoter for 'Maxis'. This time its IDD sales at BJ.
Its really near my house, so i just need to walk there. Its save petrol haha..

Actually, I really dont wanna work for that because its Sunday, Its my family day la... Haiz.. But give, and camel them working too, so.. i know they will miss me if i dint work with them.. so i sacrifice my family day and accompany them la..( izit very touch leh )haha...

By the way, i really dislike to work in Malay place.. all no manners. All so rude, ppl giving things dint say 'no thanks' or maybe 'thanks' , but they stare at you and give back you a black face.Aishhh...really bad feel..
haiz..Never mind la.. I dint did wrong can de.. I can earn my money and have fun enough de.. others not important for me de..Agree???

~Camel, Yvelynn, Monique~
Capture by m0 when we having dinner. Both of them look so down.. Are they having any problems ??? Worrying about money or women ???

After having dinner, we saw a nice background.Great christmas feel.

Group picture with Joanne after work..

I hope that we will get the job during christmas eve again with Maxis.

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