Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sukan Saingan

I involve in 100m and long jump only.. But at last teacher force me to take part for 400m to replace the girl who absent.. ARRG... 400m ar, 2 round leh.. really hard.. all competition got their own stamina d..But i am new there..however, nvm la..juz for pykett.

Result came out.. I am the dark horse in the race.. Unexpected result.. haha.. At that moment i already dont have any extra energy to look around who is next..anyway congratulation to others... The 1st time i try on this leg totally like not mine anymore, So unconfortable. Nevertheless, is quite happy la, but quite scary too because need to run again on sports day. Guys, dont expect i can get medal on sports day de ya.. they all are profesional de.. I am not !!

By the way, i need to thanks kim hua for teaching me the style of running 400m. Thanks for friends that supported me.. Thanks for give and kelvin espeacially who rescue me.Finally, thanks for teacher giving me the opportunity to take part.

This is taken when we finish long jump..

Tuesday, March 24, 2009



Friday, March 20, 2009


We are going to visit sakura in Penang actually, but too hungry de so cancel this plan.. After dinner, we when for a movie " City Of Ember " .Thats a movie of a village full of tecnology. Its a advance country. Interesting movie..

By the way, after movie when we are on the way going back home I saw Mr. Proton km is going to reach my birth date de...So i keep stare at the digit. When it turns 08 we stop beside the road to capture. haha.. really crazy d.The digit look become a stars de, I am not the only 1 captured oh...The passengers captured it too... Get influence de la... haha

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Trip to Gua Tempurung

A trip organise by tourism club, join by leo club. Early morning, wake up d go Mamak eat breakfast before reach school... The bus reach school almost 8am. Sooner, we on board and enjoy being pig de...I wish to watch the movie play in bus but my eyes not allow de.. So i be pig lo..
Sleep for whole journey, so i not very sure what is happening in the bus..
I just know that very noisy...
When we reach Gua tempurung in Perak, thats fun enough.. Its really dark inside the cave..
We walk after the tour guide. He show us lots of thing in the cave. Got Monalisa, astronaut, pregnant women, and so on...
Inside the cave, there is lots of difficult ways to cross.. need to slide, to swim, to climb 200++ stair. Its challenging.
Next, after cleaning up we going to Ipoh window shopping de... However before shopping, we need to fill in something to our stomach de.. Therefore, food court is the place to accept around 20++ of us...
Naughty Hong captured when we are eating...
Desert of the day..

Cute or not?? I like the design..haha
After shopping, its time for us to go back home de... we all tired de so sleep again..haha..
When we arrive school is already 10 sharp. Again is dinner time.. We all go kui kui house there for dinner.. And so gam, we meet our idol there Pn. Tan..She become more pretty again de.. Her daughter look alike her too, with round big eyes.. hehe.. She is so friendly... I am so happy that i can meet her. She asking for our result, but she miss though we already taken STPM de.. Anyway, we will work hard for account la... haha...
We take a long long time to finish up a plate of rice.. Why?? because in that table, there is a lot of cold people keep talking cold stuff.. The fire shoot here and there.. Arrow pointed here and there too.. haha.. Funny laughing among the people in this table.. Thats why cant finish it in short term of time... As a result, I really enjoy today... Although really tired, but its delights being together.



Tuesday, March 17, 2009


我们做了那么多,结果回报竟然是你们“请”我们别再为你们准备任何东西了 !!
但至少一句感谢吧! 不, 就只需两个字,就那一字连读的字而已,却是多么难啊!

Monday, March 16, 2009




人生中有许多种 .



Sunday, March 15, 2009

Relay For Life!!

Again I had to bear those excessive demands.

I wake early in the morning until 3pm i haven take in any meal just to prepared everything for you all but now what did I get??? I GET SCOLD.


Now i answer your question.. Am i not telling you all?? When we wake up early in the morning when we decide to do steamboat, i already send msg 4 you all and i already ask you all to help me prepered water there.. DId I??? Before the day coming, we also discuss already. You all know that.. But did you all really care it??? ANS : NO. Why dont you all help us to think bout what to prepare for food?? why must we ask you all to do this do that again?? This shows nobody really when we only ask you all to prepared water JUST AND ONLY WATER and now you all blame us.. Then next time what should we do??? Any one can tell me??

I am very very tiring and feeling not well since morning i dint take in any meal and just to drive here and there help you all buy and prepared all those food and help you all think about all the way to our destiny. When i arrive, you rise up ur voice and told me all this.. How you want me to answer you? I just can say sorry for i am very tired that time i really cant argue with you de.. I have totally no extra enery to do so..
By the ways, I will forget it soon.. Just i need some space to release all this..

Ok back to the topic.. Relay for life is a program which is to fight for cancer.. We should walk for 16hours non-stop in the circle since 8 pm.. But we all juz walk for a while only.. Until 10pm, we are going to our destiny-Paradise d... 4 of us arrive at first to prepared the coal. But when we arrive we only know that the pot no need to burn fire under it.. Its a natural old-style steamboat. But now the pot no yet arrive, so we playing around at the beach.. Singing, shouting, running..

Finally, some of them arrive.But W.hong's car having trouble so call for helps. Others siting at the beach waiting for the food.. So I am not the 1 sitting there of course. I help to burn the coal.. Its very lucky us, the fire burn up easily because of the help of wind.. But we still need to wait for the water to boild..Therefore when we start eating is already 1.00 am early in the next morning...

After whole day tiring, I wish to take a nap at lease few hours before going back to youth park. But when i lie down on the sand, I feel something keep bit me.. I dunno weather is mosquito or ants. I totaly cant fall a sleep..So me and jahkeeyea walk along the beach to pass our time.. After wilson them going out to buy drinks i think, they found us at the playground. Then we company go back the place we gather.

We found a sleeping back blank for nobody sleep.. Since we very tired d we decide to take a short nap this time de. But the cold yuan n jie keep telling cold joke make me awake nia.. I keep laughing until i cant tahan with them n join them telling cold joke.. haha... Somemore got gorrilla and moon story la, got fired at duno whose head la.. and so on.. really very very funny...

I can fall a sleep this time but not long.. Because agains got stupid things bite me.. When we are preapring to leave Paradise, i saw a group of big gina playing games..

Lao hu xian shen ji dian zhong???

Its really fun looking at those gina.. I also wanna join, but they have too much different rules de.. Time almost reach 8am, we going back to youth park de.. When we reach, MBS is still waking in the circle.. Adrian is still running in side there.. so we join them lo... At the main stage, we stop there. We join the morning dance with them.. So Seok.. hahawe can sweat and dance.. haha.. They stype got lots of funny names there.. ERM.. i remember some, name "fen ge ni, fen ge ta", "cut watermelon".. haha.. really entertaining..

Next, we go to take our breakfast at Gurney drive..On the way, 3 crazy driver keep asking silly question. Keep saying cold joke.. ARR.... really mad de... haha.. However, i enjoy it... hehe.. Thanks ya friends... I really do enjoy this event.. fighting....

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Stick together...

Exam is coming closer, so you know la good girls and boys will go study 1 mah.. so i am the 1 go study lo... haha ( thick face)
We suppose to reach at 11.00 am but we reach at 1.05 pm .. Nevertheless, is still the same la.. also 1:1 mah....hehe..
During the revision session, our mouth is a bit ichy la.. need something to bite.. so we bought lots of sweets and also peanuts to fulfil the ichiness of mouth..

And i saw a "ch" eating his favourite peanuts.. So i captured it.. Sorry ya G.wen.. hehe.. This is captured by Jay1, Its a pretend because we captured his funny pictured de... haha..Here it is.. He say he wanna go n dance hip hop de.. and wanna win a trophy back..
OMG !! you sure you can with this style, Jay??

After a delicious- full dinner, we went for a walk at gurney drive...
A long long walk from start till the end of the passage..
Naughty Jay1 play a fool of Give, make her fall and get hurt..
T.T pity you jahkeeyea..
Anyway, i like to be with you all.. Thanks ya..
Friendship Forever..

Friday, March 6, 2009

Re-celebration birthday party...

This month have lots of continuous birthday..

2/3- Zheng Ying

3/3- Hai Thong

4/3- Por Chong

5/3- Siew Mei

This is either 1 of the celebration on 6th of March. But only 1 birthday boy attend...Others cant attend.. so we only celebrate for Zheng Ying la... Look Its around 5-6 table and 5 cars and 3 motors reach old town.. Its so huge celebration..

After celebration, we leave them 1st and we go to our destiny de.. While doing nothing, we found a story there, creation of name occurs.. Playing of "yellow" highlight, and so on....When i back home i receive a phone call from Qinz telling bout their funny cold joke too.. "Did you see flying fish before" OMG.. Luckily, i am not there... if not i thk my stomach really cant receive this silly attack... HAHAHA...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Captured 827

Hmm... from 26th Feb I already captured a numbers almost like 827, but not really on my birth date la... And now.. today is the date that i drive most carefuly..Because the meter is almost get into 8270.. So I purposely drive around the area to let in go further to near my target numbers.

After school i go to Ting ting house take a rest.. do homework, while waiting for tuition.. When i arrive Ting house, I heard the barking sound.. I am so nervous because i park outside from her flat. The dogs keep follow me and i walk quickly go in Ting flat there. But i still heard the ring sound of the dog. Then i shout for help when i step in to the area of ting house.. Nobody hear me... pity me !!!

When I reach her house, they say give going got to find me.. Then i run out to find her back. I ask her to accompany to move my car inside her carpark.. Both of us also scare of dogs, but we still dare enough to go by our own.. Really bravo...

We walk very carefully to reach my car, although i heard the ring sound of th dogs necklace, but we cant saw the dogs.. Finally i reach my car.. Give suddently shout at me say that the dog is behind me.. OMG!! I quickly open the door and JUMP in my car... Give doing the same things like what i did..haha...Two little coward.. The owner of the dogs laugh at both of us... Shame la...

This is what we did in ting house la.. study- abit la.. playing- totally la...

At last, i get capture a nice number de... haha.. this is on the way to tuiton.. Luckily Ting teach me the wrong way, then can help me to go futher.. haha.. When i almost get a parking lot, the digit reach my target de..haha. So i stop by to captured it de.. then i park my car go tuition de...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

= Buddy =

This is a sudden found.. We are using Pentel and they are using Papermate..

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Dunno which hard working student ask teacher to start tuition at 8.30 am.. Make me need to wake up n go tuition so so early in the morning.. So sleepy la....

After tuition, we so for breakfast... Again we become Mr.brave son n daughter, we dint wear helmet drive and sit on bike..haha..
We go Air Itam market have our breakfast. On the way back to get my car, we eating lollipop while driving..Its so tell me story about his history.. He try to eat ice-cream and the ice-cream drop from the corn. He not dare to look back at the ice-cream. Because scare the ice-cream block others view of driving.. haha.. really silly him..

Its me and jahkeeyea..I capture this when joe pa driving...Oh.. finally i am in time to capture his eating lollipop picture.. you cant block me... Blekzz
This is Pc and J1 back.. then where is Give?? Is that cycling was give???

Next we become good boy and girl go to study at library de...I am so sleepy that time.. I totally cant memorise anything.. And also cant sleep at all.. So unconfortable..I forgot to bring my homework ,so i cant do anything there, beside keep trying to memorise my pp..There is a paor of student sitting opposite us.. they are talking lots of useless things loudly, until we can heard what they say.. Then Mr brave 1st son do brave things again go n interrupt their topic..Ask them where can he get tuition for pp..OMG .. I 1st time saw Give face look really red like Tomato.. Usually her face already like tomato.. Now she really really like a than normal..haha

After that, we went for lunch.. Then they are going to play badminton, so they invite us to go join them. Then to give them face so we go la.. haha...

Look after playing few round of badminton our leg become like that...

Then again our creation start de... Look s nice right.. actually it can be a love shape.. But the photographer not pro enough lo.. haha...