Friday, March 6, 2009

Re-celebration birthday party...

This month have lots of continuous birthday..

2/3- Zheng Ying

3/3- Hai Thong

4/3- Por Chong

5/3- Siew Mei

This is either 1 of the celebration on 6th of March. But only 1 birthday boy attend...Others cant attend.. so we only celebrate for Zheng Ying la... Look Its around 5-6 table and 5 cars and 3 motors reach old town.. Its so huge celebration..

After celebration, we leave them 1st and we go to our destiny de.. While doing nothing, we found a story there, creation of name occurs.. Playing of "yellow" highlight, and so on....When i back home i receive a phone call from Qinz telling bout their funny cold joke too.. "Did you see flying fish before" OMG.. Luckily, i am not there... if not i thk my stomach really cant receive this silly attack... HAHAHA...

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