Sunday, March 15, 2009

Relay For Life!!

Again I had to bear those excessive demands.

I wake early in the morning until 3pm i haven take in any meal just to prepared everything for you all but now what did I get??? I GET SCOLD.


Now i answer your question.. Am i not telling you all?? When we wake up early in the morning when we decide to do steamboat, i already send msg 4 you all and i already ask you all to help me prepered water there.. DId I??? Before the day coming, we also discuss already. You all know that.. But did you all really care it??? ANS : NO. Why dont you all help us to think bout what to prepare for food?? why must we ask you all to do this do that again?? This shows nobody really when we only ask you all to prepared water JUST AND ONLY WATER and now you all blame us.. Then next time what should we do??? Any one can tell me??

I am very very tiring and feeling not well since morning i dint take in any meal and just to drive here and there help you all buy and prepared all those food and help you all think about all the way to our destiny. When i arrive, you rise up ur voice and told me all this.. How you want me to answer you? I just can say sorry for i am very tired that time i really cant argue with you de.. I have totally no extra enery to do so..
By the ways, I will forget it soon.. Just i need some space to release all this..

Ok back to the topic.. Relay for life is a program which is to fight for cancer.. We should walk for 16hours non-stop in the circle since 8 pm.. But we all juz walk for a while only.. Until 10pm, we are going to our destiny-Paradise d... 4 of us arrive at first to prepared the coal. But when we arrive we only know that the pot no need to burn fire under it.. Its a natural old-style steamboat. But now the pot no yet arrive, so we playing around at the beach.. Singing, shouting, running..

Finally, some of them arrive.But W.hong's car having trouble so call for helps. Others siting at the beach waiting for the food.. So I am not the 1 sitting there of course. I help to burn the coal.. Its very lucky us, the fire burn up easily because of the help of wind.. But we still need to wait for the water to boild..Therefore when we start eating is already 1.00 am early in the next morning...

After whole day tiring, I wish to take a nap at lease few hours before going back to youth park. But when i lie down on the sand, I feel something keep bit me.. I dunno weather is mosquito or ants. I totaly cant fall a sleep..So me and jahkeeyea walk along the beach to pass our time.. After wilson them going out to buy drinks i think, they found us at the playground. Then we company go back the place we gather.

We found a sleeping back blank for nobody sleep.. Since we very tired d we decide to take a short nap this time de. But the cold yuan n jie keep telling cold joke make me awake nia.. I keep laughing until i cant tahan with them n join them telling cold joke.. haha... Somemore got gorrilla and moon story la, got fired at duno whose head la.. and so on.. really very very funny...

I can fall a sleep this time but not long.. Because agains got stupid things bite me.. When we are preapring to leave Paradise, i saw a group of big gina playing games..

Lao hu xian shen ji dian zhong???

Its really fun looking at those gina.. I also wanna join, but they have too much different rules de.. Time almost reach 8am, we going back to youth park de.. When we reach, MBS is still waking in the circle.. Adrian is still running in side there.. so we join them lo... At the main stage, we stop there. We join the morning dance with them.. So Seok.. hahawe can sweat and dance.. haha.. They stype got lots of funny names there.. ERM.. i remember some, name "fen ge ni, fen ge ta", "cut watermelon".. haha.. really entertaining..

Next, we go to take our breakfast at Gurney drive..On the way, 3 crazy driver keep asking silly question. Keep saying cold joke.. ARR.... really mad de... haha.. However, i enjoy it... hehe.. Thanks ya friends... I really do enjoy this event.. fighting....

1 comment:

|Qinz| said...

calm down friend..
you should take ur breakfast before doing those works right?
although i dint join the activity but i think you all having a lot of joy there..
mayb some disputes happened is bcoz of different opinion between both sides..
besides keep temper,we should self-questioning too.
why people always buck against your behavior and the things u did?
if more and more ppl take against you then is time for u to reflected upon your mistakes right?
is that your problem?or others?
only time will tell if you are right..
[just my private view about it]