Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Captured 827

Hmm... from 26th Feb I already captured a numbers almost like 827, but not really on my birth date la... And now.. today is the date that i drive most carefuly..Because the meter is almost get into 8270.. So I purposely drive around the area to let in go further to near my target numbers.

After school i go to Ting ting house take a rest.. do homework, while waiting for tuition.. When i arrive Ting house, I heard the barking sound.. I am so nervous because i park outside from her flat. The dogs keep follow me and i walk quickly go in Ting flat there. But i still heard the ring sound of the dog. Then i shout for help when i step in to the area of ting house.. Nobody hear me... pity me !!!

When I reach her house, they say give going got to find me.. Then i run out to find her back. I ask her to accompany to move my car inside her carpark.. Both of us also scare of dogs, but we still dare enough to go by our own.. Really bravo...

We walk very carefully to reach my car, although i heard the ring sound of th dogs necklace, but we cant saw the dogs.. Finally i reach my car.. Give suddently shout at me say that the dog is behind me.. OMG!! I quickly open the door and JUMP in my car... Give doing the same things like what i did..haha...Two little coward.. The owner of the dogs laugh at both of us... Shame la...

This is what we did in ting house la.. study- abit la.. playing- totally la...

At last, i get capture a nice number de... haha.. this is on the way to tuiton.. Luckily Ting teach me the wrong way, then can help me to go futher.. haha.. When i almost get a parking lot, the digit reach my target de..haha. So i stop by to captured it de.. then i park my car go tuition de...

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