Saturday, February 14, 2009

Farewell for Mr. Roger

Today, we are preparing farewell for our beloved Mr.Roger... He even duno we are gonna do farewell for him, but just suspicion maybe will do something for him only..

This is the cake i bought and it is only for you Sir...Look at him, he is so funny.. haha..
Present by U6A5 in 2009
It's time for eating de..
Vertically challenge guy serving drinks...
Kind Pn Khor, Cutie Mr.Roger & Girly Mr. NG
Wilson is playing with the lighter to light up Roger's beard
+: U6A5 Boys :+
+: Hamikhan Boys :+
:+ CDK Girls +:
:+ MGS Girls +:
Naughty Wilson
Good Girl M0
Hey you are naughty Sir too.. I know i am V.C la.. No need to show mah... T.T
I still stud stud laugh until so happy when Kheng captured, HNG.....

Here we are the whole class of U6A5
Kurang 1 Philip boy..
Everybody are making fun of Mr.Roger haha...
This is the last Picture of you de...
I will remember always your cutie round face...

Good Luck in KL.
Thanks & Bye Sir..
Mr.Roger Chin Chuan Ngok..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are cute too Lim Hui Jing
Thanks for your help in the class
I appreciate it very much
cheers and take care and how's life in MBS without me? Who is your new MUET teacher?