Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Than Shiang Children Camp

Just finish my Stpm exam and here comes the camp.. Why am i suffering myself huh?? Really stupid, I should enjoy 1st what..

Day 1
3.30pm need to gather at the hall d, but we are late.. Coz i dunno how to go there.. so asking for hong's help.. Thus we arrive at around 3.50pm.. There is a welcome short ceremony and introduction, actually can be say thats a games .. So the 1st day is only training for jiejie and koko.. Then start our lesson by listening to Ai Xin papa speech.. Its useful for me.. He is asking for the purpose why are we joining this camp, what is the point we are there for.. Some more teach us to look at ourselves.. What we need in our life to being success. Attitude, cooperation and responsibility are important in this camp and our future he said.. We should learn now and practice and use it during this camp...
After games 8pm sharp the arrangement of the group is shown and now we know our group members de and is time to start with group life.. not with friends that we knew de.. I am glad that my group at lease got 2 friends that can chat with.. Supper time arrived at 9 something, we sit separated for every eating times. And the rules is totally strict and scared me. Cannot talk, no sound when you eat, both legs must on floor and ...... so on.
I get shock. Night time Me and Sheri call our parents and asking for help to escape from this camp de.. Both of us keep thinking for our plan.. and we suppose to sleep at 10 but we fall a sleep around 1.30am coz we dont have any prefect plan yet..

Day 2
We should wake at 6am.. 不允许早起,更不可以迟醒.接着还要做早课,而且丢脸的是我不懂怎么礼佛三拜,结果被我组的爱心哥哥取笑。7.25am 是时候把手机交给纪律组了。When preparation ready, 8am children is coming continuously.. I still remember the 1st one was 云盛 and 炜贤. Then continue with girls de.. We start chat and play games. Then start to learn how to pray.. and then learn about our camp's theme song. "我的天空我的梦" and other songs with hand language..While after singing, its time for kids to show their creativity. They have to decorate their own flag with group names and slogan too.. In the evening, after our dinner, we start to group in "布施"family..Then start our introduction again to let our group's 爱心妈妈都认识我们. Then, bed time reach. 爱心姐姐带着妹妹们睡在幼稚园,爱心哥哥带着弟弟们睡在2楼,但我不晓得那是什么地方,应该是莞清院吧!小菩萨们都在10:30pm 入睡了,但这时的爱心姐姐啊就是我们,还在浴室里洗澡啊!当我们回房时已经是11:00pm了,头发还没干,结果我们三人就围在最角落聊天直达12:30am 才把床铺搬到风扇下一起睡。

Day 3
一样,我们得6点准时起床。早上起床就要做早操嘛,那团康组员就和我们一起活动活动胫骨。一起跳跳玩玩后,弟弟妹妹们都精神了许多,肚子也跟着饿了。Then the same, 念经然后走位到各自的位子,问迅后才可以进食。
与小菩萨们都想出第二天了,开始黏成一块了,especially those boys。妹妹们有些已经慢慢一起活动起来,可是也有2,3位静静的坐在一旁看我们玩乐,偶尔露出一丝笑容。But there isnt big problems.Here comes the main point of this camp - Lesson.Those lesson althugh sometimes quite boring but its all meaningful. It's helping for me to grow mature in my thought. In the evening, we are preparing for night function 传灯。I like this event very much.. Its totally touch from my bottom of heart. The drama they act, the songs they sing, the videos they play, and the words they say. All love..I can feel their love strongly. I wish to say I LOVE YOU to my parents too. Then some koko jiejie from our groups also red from their eyes, meaning that they get touching too. We hugs together and cry at last.. I wish to say thanks to Chen mama for giving me the hug with love..

Day 4
Finally is the last day for the camp,开始觉得有点不舍得,照常的早课,早餐,却是将道别的时刻。Today they will perform drama form what they had learn for this few days. Their parents will be here to enjoy their show. They are still kids what we say, sometimes they dont really listen and they make me a bit angree when rehearsal. I got to say sorry for that..At last they still performs well.. Although we are not the best but we already do our best.. Thanks for cooporations from everyone.. Thanks for those give me the chance to be here. Thanks for those 'ai xin pa ma' teach us so much knowledge about life, about manners, about thought.I really do gain a lot there.. And I'll miss those kids... I love you all... Thanks for giving me the chances to take care of you all.. Thanks for accompany for this few days..Keep in touch oh..

Monday, November 9, 2009

Michael Jackson-Gone too soon

Gone Too Soon 走得太早

like a comet 像一颗流星
blazing 'cross the evening sky 燃烧着划过夜空
gone too soon 转瞬即逝/稍纵即逝
like a rainbow 像一道彩虹
fading in the twinkling of an eye 在你眼里闪烁着渐渐消褪
gone too soon 转瞬即逝/稍纵即逝

shiny and sparkly (象晚上)闪耀的烟花
and splendidly bright 那华丽的光辉
here one day 这个一瞬的白昼
gone one night 消失后还是黑夜
like the loss of sunlight on a cloudy afternoon 象多云的午后偶现了阳光
gone too soon 转瞬即逝/稍纵即逝

like a castle 象一个城堡
built upon a sandy beach 建造在沙地海滩上/象堆砌在沙地海滩上的一个城堡
gone too soon 转瞬即逝/稍纵即逝

like a perfect flower 象一朵盛开到极点的花儿
that is just beyond your reach 却生在你无法采摘的地方
gone too soon 转瞬即逝/稍纵即逝

born to amuse...本想像往常般开个玩笑
to inspire, to delight 激励你,带给你欢乐
here one day 那愉快的时光
gone one night 已经被这黑夜所替代(已经被这死神所夺走)

like a sunset dying 象日没后的晚霞
with the rising of the moon 随着月亮的出现
gone too soon 转瞬即逝/走得太早
gone too soon 转瞬即逝/走得太早

This is a song,Michael wrote personally for his friend. A young child name Ryan White, who suffer from hemophilia and had been infected AIDS and die at the age turning of 18.

And now i dedigated this song to Michael. Altought he is no longer with us, But I miss him deeply and constandly. He is gone, but i am sure his life is meaningful beyond his pass.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Message from MJ

Heal The World

Think about on the generations
And say we would make better place
for children and children's children
so that they , they, they,
they know that the world for them
think they can make better place

There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could be
Brighter than tomorrow
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow
There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space
Make a better place ...

*Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make it a better place
For you and for me*

If you want to know why
There's love that cannot lie
Love is strong
It only cares of joyful giving
If we try we shall see
In this bliss we cannot feel
Fear or dread
We stop existing and start living
The it feels that always
Love's enough for us growing
So make a better world
Make a better world... (Repeat *)

And the dream we were conceived in
Will reveal a joyful face
And the world we once believed in
Will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep strangling life
Wound this earth, crucify its soul
Though it's plain to see
This world is heavenly
Be god's glow
We could fly so high
Let our spirits never die
In my heart I feel you are all my brothers
Create a world with no fear
Together we cry happy tears
See the nations turn their swords into plowshares
We could really get there
If you cared enough for the living
Make a little space
To make a better place ...( Repeat * )

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"This It Is" again.

Today, I cant tahan myself de.. I go watch the 2nd times. I feel that is worth for me to watch again and again.. I wont regret, I am sure.
and then here we go.. I am late for the 1st time de, i dont wish to late again.. Therefore after enjoying my meal- baked cheese rice at chooper board. I run up to the cinema.. But both of them still lengang lengang walk in. Luckily when i am in the theater, is not screen yet.. If not i sure kill this 2 fellow, or I'll watch again.. haha...

Actually the 1st time when i watch with Rachael and Sheri them.. I miss up a lot.. around 20 mins more.. Fortunately, I came and watch the 2nd time with CAython and Yugesa. I was excited at 1st.. Is the screen about his dancers with tears telling us about the rehearsal. 1 guy said that he came far away from somewhere to dance with MJ. But now, they even not step up on the stage yet and MJ passed away de.. All his dancers miss him alot and say that MJ is really friendly and kind to them..

Next when the music came..I am overjoyed with that.. I sing a long with MJ.. I wish to shout as loud as I can, but I scared that people behind me will scold me.. haha and kick me out.. haha.. He is really genius..Every move of his, is.... amazing. His sweet sweet sound, his cute attitude. And i remember that, he was so adorable when he asking for water.. his voices... OMG... I wish to litsen it more.

When the songs Earth song play, what he said in the video, is meaningful. I started to tears... and soon Yugesa.... haha.. He say in 4 years time, if we still not going to save the Earth. We will loss the world. The Earth is sick now.. We need to cure it.. Goverment will just say ok ok we will take care, but they not really did it well.. Therefore who start it 1st?? Is from US..

I dunno why, I will keep smiling when i saw MJ.. Its really like a fans watching his concert, wish to shout wish to hug him, wish to kiss him, wish to sing with him. Even i tears also, will smile and cry.. You know, its hard to explain the feeling but.. Is something like that.. I feel the love even from the video.. He keep saying that I love you, god bless you..And i know he really do love us.. With his eyes, showing sincerity to us...That's why making me more and more love him...

He connecting people around the world, with his songs, his heart, his love. Every single songs of his, there is meaning inside the lyrics. And mostly is about himself. What he feel to the world, how people treat him, and so on.. I love every songs of his, with his miracle voices. This is it...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Micheal Jackson In My Eyes

I know Michael Jackson when i was still young in age of 10.The 1st song that impress me was his "Earth Song".The mtv,the lyrics, make me feel nice. I am imagine that will it be real happens in our life in future. And now 10 years later, we do saw a lot of hurting environment, trees and plants even animals too in this advanced world.. Recall back the scene when I watch that music video. I said to myself that this artist really fabulous. He make me feeling touch when watching the music video for I am just a little girl. Even with poor English.

Last year, by coincident, I heard 'You Are Not Alone' in my friend's phone. I like this song very much when I hear the 1st time. Every word in the lyrics is very touching for me because I am alone for that period of time. And I used it as my caller ring tone too. The's the 2nd songs that I listen from MJ. Nevertheless, after a year, with a big headline written that Michael Jackson has passed away. That's a big shock for me. MJ passed away??? Is that just rumor from those media. Even some says that is a hit for his up coming concert in London. Its a special surprise for his fans. Is that true?? I doubt it!!

Every day i keep on eyes with his latest, updated news. When his funeral held in Staples center. I spend my time watching live from TV. I don't even wish to miss up every scene. The funeral were live in Malaysia at 12 midnight. But they delay it and started at 1.30 am. I catch it live until 4 am. The next day I am going to sit for econs quiz I think. But i still stay till late night to follow up. Even though I'm sleepy but I am forcing my eyes to finish it.

I was greatly touched when his friends and his daughter - Paris spoke on the stage. She said 'Daddy were the best that you'll never imagine and I love you so much.'His friend tell about times when they be with Michael. And now is just memory. I am tears for the whole night when the funeral start till the end. I hope that i could be there attending his funeral by paying my last respect to him nearly.

Some people are treating him like he is not a human being, they think the he is weird, and those brainless media just focusing on things that ridiculous. Such as they report that Michael doesn't like to be his own race, molesting children and so on.Medias are selfish,they build up the rumours to earn profit but they din't tell the truth..Even just simple end it without telling the real story.

In the case of he changes his skin color, is because of he had pigment on his skin that might make him unattractive for he is a star. He need to protect his career as he like sing and dance so much. While plastic surgery, he not even wish to take it too, but its an accident. He was horribly burned by flames and start of the plastic surgery and become the pain killer. He fall from 20 miles on the bridge when he is singing 'Earth Song' and he broke his back. Nose is also accident from fall. Therefore he need to take plastic surgery again and again. Those accident starts to changes his life.. He do all that is just because he love his fans. He want them to have a prefect Michael Jackson, but not baldness him, ugly him.

Whereas the child molest case, I am sure that Micheal wont did that. If I am his die hard fans, for sure I will trust him just like I trust Rain. Unfortunately I am not when he is in trouble. I cant even give support to him. And now, the child that sued Michael finally tell the truth. He is lying, Micheal didn't molest him. He do such things for the reason that he want to pay for his father debt. I am glad that he finally tell the truth. If he is not, I am gonna kill him if I can go US. He make Michael lost his home because of this case. He make Michael be criticized, be hated by public. He hurt Micheal deeply. Micheal helps his family a lots, giving them a home, helping him to recover from canser, playing around with him and let his childhood be brighter without worrying about his sickness. But what did he do for Michael?? Don't he feel guilty?? Even those police treat Michael badly, lock him in the toilet for more than 45 min and hurt his arms. Taking his naked photo even private part. He had horrified nightmare and cant even sleep at night. But who knows?? His worse nightmare who cares?? NO ONE.

Even who he meet with also will becomes people(media) words. Doesn't he a human? He no need friends? He no feelings?? HE IS A HUMAN BEING. NOT ANIMAL, NOT MONSTER. Why do people treat him like that? Does he deserve it??? NO.. Answer is NO.. He friends with Muslim, you all said he became Muslim. Then how bout me?? I friends with India people, and also Malay. Am I wrong too??? Friends with different race and religious friends no harms right. Everyone have their freedom to friends with those who treat them nice. But why media will take it as a title to hurt him?? Have you undergo of being betray or incriminate?? The feelings is bad. Its hurt.. I know how its feel because I am the one being incriminate by my friends too. That's why I know how suffer Micheal was. In additional, he is a big stars in the world, I am sure he suffer more than a normal people did.

Michael has a great personality, a gentlemen, caring person, loving father, a legend. But how come no ones is trying to help him, cares him and even loves him more?? He is showing love to the world, but no one show cares for him. He cares for the green plants, care for the children, help them from fighting death, giving them a childhood life. In contrast, who do that for him?? NO once again. He is adorable, friendly, child like, innocent. He love children very much. He loves them. Due to his father train him to be the best singer when he was young, thus he has no childhood. He miss his childhood. Therefore he love his own children, he protect them well, cares for others children, and also sick children. He is humble, he treat everyone with a word 'LOVE'. Never push his fans away from kissing him, hugging him. He will hug them tight back. Did the artist nowadays can make it with sincere?? A mighty celebrity he was for me, A HERO, MANKIND.

And now you are leaving us, our world will less one person to lead us to a better world. Nobody will love the world, the children as much like you were. Nobody can sing and dance as good as you. Nobody will treat everyone with kind and lovely heart like you were anymore. WE WILL MISS YOU. WE WILL CONTINUE WHAT YOU WISH TO DO FOR THE WORLD. WE WILL HELP YOU TO FINISH IT. FOR YOU, FOR THE WORLD AND FOR EVERYONE IN THIS WORLD.



Thursday, October 29, 2009

"This It Is"

Thats the 2nd day of MJ show. I wish that i could watch that,since is the very last show of his. Luckily, Poh BY book de dont wanna watch and give it to me.. Really thanks her and thanks god too, for giving me the chances to enjoy his concert rehearsal show. I think a lots of MJ fans will be glad that there is still a last performance from him.. But we wish that there is NO END of performances from him..

After my last trial paper, I go along with my bro and 2 MJ fans to watch our beloved King Of POP Forever -Michael Joseph Jackson.
It is to rush, so we are late for the 1st 15 min whereas my bro late for the 1st hour. Bacause he went to Qb but we at Gurney and the shows is at gurney. Damn careless, 1st time do such mistake, dint tell him where & even he dint ask me where the shown scene also.

Well, back to the topic 1st. This show was Michael rehearsal for his concert. He prepared a lot for the show. Repeat and repeat until no mistake. He cooperate with helpers to perform a great show. He give a lots of opinion for what he want in the concert.We can see that he work so hard for his fans. He wish to show and perform the best he could to all his fans. Michael wish to provide a different and special concert for his fans. But its too late now.. he dint able to finish the concert. And now the video, is the producer present for Michael children. They wish to let his child know that how nice their father was. If i can, i wish to be his child too.. I really hope that, but I cant. Damn lucky can be his children.

We finish watching the show and be the last one to step out from the cinema. I hope there is still more to play in the show. The feeling of not willing to leave is so strong. Making me upset. Therefore, I go to Artis gallery find for some collection from MJ. Its too much collection from him make me confussing to choose. And because of finance problem I cant have all, so just buy the limited eddition album la.
After buying Cd, we walk in MPH and find more information about him.. We read about his history, his achivement, and lots of his picture and tribute for him. He really gorgeous for what i have seen. The kind heart, the love.. Make me fall in love more to him again. The charity work that he did, is involving 300 millions dollar. I couldn't imagine that why people willing to hurt an angel like him. Haiz...

Next, we stop everything about MJ de. Back to normal.. Hence as a girl, the favorite things to do is..... Shopping lo.. hehe. Actually juz I shop lo... Both of them keep persuade me to buy only.. haha.. Since is day of relaxing myself from study, then got to enjoy myself lo.. Am I right.. hehe.

Thats all about today...
Ticket fo the show

We take a lots of photo with MJ too.. haha.. Have a look..

MJ limited edition album that i bought...Although its expensive but worth..

Thats great for me... Is memory between 3 of us, memory between us with MJ and also memory for me to Mike...I love today.. And I would like to send my belated birthday wish to MJ. Wishing him for his 51th Birthday.. " HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL " You will always be in our heart forever.. RIP

Monday, September 7, 2009

My Birthday ..

Thanks for all those wishes and celebration.. I am touch enough for everythings you all did it for me...

Sms Wishes:
Hui Min (00:28)-26/08/09
Li Yi (00:31)
Hannah (00:33)
Wei Hong (09:23)
Mr.Roger (11:52)~ Old man forgot de and wish me happy belated pula.. haha. By The way Sir, I am really happy with that because you remember my birthday.. hehe.. Thanks ya.. Muackzz Love you so much Sir..
Simon (22:58)
Wilson (23:30)
Kitty (23:48)
Enjoe (23:51)
Phooi Yarn (23:55)~ But i think its her 0000. Because at the end of the msg written 12am
Guo Wen (23:55)
Pin Chuan (23:57)~ Thanks for remember "virgin" birthday.. haha
Naresh (23:57)~ Cute 'Cak' songs... hehe... Thanks ya friend.
Yvelynn (23:57)
Ting Ting (23:58)~ Thanks dear.. haha..although i cant saw what u send -_-
Pin Chuan (00:00)-27/08/09
Poh Chiang (00:00)~ Thanks for the surprise birthday songs
Jay Wan (00:00)
Wen In (00:01)~ Shock me, little caring girl.. hehe thanks ya my darling.
Praisy (00:10)~ Surprise Old schoolmate..
Joe (00.28)~ Good Daughter haha.. muackzz too..
Hue Yi (00:29)
Wei Hong (00:30)~ Again sending lou mou 19th Happy Birthday.
Bo Yee (01:09)~ Thanks for Mummy's Wish.. Love you too..
Chuang Man (01:53)~ Good little brother.. Thanks ya.. hehe Must listen to CheChe oh.
Poh Chiang (08:27)- 27/08/09
Camel (09:25)
Martin (12:19)~ Hope we will get good result.. Not only me.. hehe.
Mr. Roger (12:29)~ Curious bout how my special day and asking for did my husband Rain celebrate with me or not.. I just can reply YES. Sure he do.. Accompany me for whole day non-stop ar.. hehe..
Hai Thong (16:48)~ Thanks for running from so far away to wish me.. hehe
Hoey Ping (17:28)~ Happy quarentine la.. hehe. Thanks for the wish anyway.
Zhi Yong (18:17)
Theng Keat (19:01)~ Naughty Ginna, Thanks anyway la..
Evelyn (19:56)~ Thanks for the gift.. Muackzz back too.. haha
Chee Wai (20:39)~ I guess its his 0827 lo.. thanks anyway.
Kui Kui (20:29)
Shiou Kheng (20:33)
Hooi Shan (20:44)~ Thanks another darling.. Sayang you too..Miss and Muackzz
Sunny Yeoh (21:39)~ Dont remember to celebrate for me at KK ya.. hehe..
Jacelyn (22:09)
Venuss (12:06)-28/08/09
Ben (11:23)-01/9/09

Call Wishes:
Alex Chew
Shiou Kheng
Wendy Yeoh
Sunny Yeoh
Sunny Lee
'Michael' Chin
Miss Loo
Boon Su

Msn Wishes:
David (19:10)- 26/08/09
Mable (00:11)~ Happy Birthday Twins
Zheng Ying (00:23)~ Tiao Di fellow don't wanna wish me..but at last also wish haha..
Philip (00:55)- 27/08/09
Sharon (15:30)
Leon (22:03)
Enjoe (22:06)
Mangee (22:10)
Soo Aun (22:21)
Kenny (22:26)
Jan (00:37)- 28/08/09

Facebook Wishes:
Leow yun Zhi ~~ Cherish every moment we have together la..
Fei Cui ~~ Hope we all enjoy our happy '19'
Meow Hui
Hue Yi ~~ Thanks for wishing me again here.
Wiyuna Teoh
Sue Ting
Yen Peng
Siow Phoy

I think there is some more but i got to say sorry because i forgot de.. hehe pai say.

I gotto say thanks again.. Thanks for being my friend.. I love you all Friends...
Keep in touch and Friendship Forever...Muackzz

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Trip To Sabah

First of all, in my mind, i tot that Sabah, Sarawak was those place very 'kampung'. So this time was a great time for me to change my mine about it.. Its totally not.. Can say that even advance then Perak.

1st day - 28/08/09
Its raining day.Non-stop from my birthday (27/08). Its Rain accompany me la.. haha..
But it cause the plane to delay. The plane suppose to be fly at 1000am, but it flied at 1220am. Wasting time there, nothing to do so, just notice what we all did there..

Finally, arrived at Kota Kinabalu Airport de. The time now is 1604PM. Look at all those luggages. Almost same height with me de.

Our tour guide fetch us back hotel, after that without taking rest we all went for a walk walk around the hotel area. Know why?? coz everybody hungry until cant tahan de.. Dint intake any meal yet since breakfast. After meal, shop shop at the shopping center, then only go back hotel and rest.

Around 2100PM, Its time for dinner de. They are going to give me a surprise birthday cake but so careless, they dint notice that I am standing at her back when she is holding the cake.. haha..some more deny that thats not for me wo.. haha. Its a large number of spending for this birthday party.. Seafood birthday party.. Cost RM 1000++
And its quite nice and delicious for the dinner. I appreciate it.. Thanks ya.hehe.

They edit my aged de.. 'SAD_SAD'

# Sharon - Monique - Christine #

Next, we jog at the night pasar, actually cant say it is night pasar also la.. cause it open from morning till night and we went at night time so.. just call as night market lo. There is lot of unique fish I haven seen before. Look at the colorful one, name parrot fish.. The shape of mouth its really like parrot. I heard they said, the inner part if the fish, its very soft and white.. Top 5 delicious oh. But is when the parrot fish grown bigger become "Shu Mei". While others, I dunno what fish is that. hehe.

We walk and we walk, finally we reach a huge shop with severals seafood stall. Its really look like Hong Kong, i mean the surrounding of all those seafood. We just finish western style of seafood, now they all walk until hungry again de, decide to try on chiness style.. There a couple of fish with the weight of 3KG++ As big as my hand's length, Amazing. Well, that's all for the 1st day.. Night-nite

Day 2 -29/09/09
Wake up at 8 something preparing for our day tour de..TOday going to Bukit Kinabalu. Hiking?? haha impossible, there is so many gina, how to climb wo.. Although I quite wish to look at the sunrise there. But no choice, next time la.. Therefore, just take picture with Malaysia Top Mountain only la...

Starting point ^

Next destination were Kinabalu Park to experience Canopy walk and enjoy hot spring..
We need to climb up around 3KM to walk on the canopy.At the 1st and 2nd stage, its feel like nothing. Just normal height because lots of tall tree below us..But at the last stage.WOW.. Feel big different, and even longer. Its shaking and the trees became lower, or maybe the bridge became higher de...We all trembling with fear while crossing the last part.

Then, we continue with our next places - Hot spring area..

After that dinner then that's the end of 2nd day tour. Return hotel again. Its quite early la.. around 2000PM only. Excluding for man. They still got a night party -Clubbing. Even my bro also went too.. I mean big bro la..Wherease for woman and girls stay at hotel. Playing psp la, watch tv la. As for me, I online lo.. haha. So thats why I can write this blog mah...hehe

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"Lie" Surprise..

I receive a text msg from H.min told me that she is very sad now,coz Ck need a break. The reason is Ck still got feel with Water??? Izit truth?>? So surprise to heard that. Qin is not in Penang how he feel that he still love her?? strange!!! I msg ck, izit true to let go H.m, He said yes, he decide de. Summore ask me to told her that 'not worth to love him'. Ok fine never mind thats their things, none of my business. I juz need to console her.. Then, i drive her to paradise, she told me that she wanna take back something they hide in the sand there..

When we arrived, the scene is really nice. I am asking her for a pic. And she told me ' my face cant even smile you want me to take pic with you ar' ok lo... then never mind lo.. i captured my own.. Actually is really geli there. Coz last time when we went there, Wen told us about the ghost house story on the beach.. I feel mo qui chang although i got no mo...

We walk and walk and walk, suddenly i saw a group of guys gathering there. I tot maybe which college student having party there again de. but suddently i heard a voice sound like Pc, but impossible is him, because he's in KL ar.. So juz ignore it. Then i saw a guy wearing singlet, so i am sure impossible is my friends de. Because our gang no body dare to wear singlet eh... haha.. Mana tahu, i saw they all light up the cake and heard someone say 'she is here de la' then only i know i get fool de... OMG great planning ar.. summore Kl, break up and cancel my dinner plan with others friend. Clever neh... Cm i got to say bravo you.. I wonder how you go and found that who i am going to having dinner.. Are you msging all of them??? haha

Anyway, I got to say thanks to you all and Thanks for the party.. I am glad that not only me that get fool.. haha.. August baby boy also kena cheat.. haha.. Happy cheating la.. And Happy Birthday to all August baby too.. Thanks guys again.. I love you all..... Muackz.. I am glad that you all are my friends... Gamshahamnida...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


昨天早上,当我在享受美好的睡眠时,电话响了。顽皮的鸿,拨了,当我接起电话时又挂掉了好几通。简直是破坏我的美眠。其实,他是要我陪他读书。真想不理他,可是却一直被4通+2条sms吵醒。前一晚,3 点我才有的躺在我那温暖得床叻,结果还不到10个小时,那小子竟然把我给吵醒。真是气死我啦!!!


可惜,现在都没了。我不了解为什么一通我也没再接过了。是我做错什么了吗?怎么都不敢跟我讲呢? 我真的很怀念在一起读书,一起欢乐,一起糊闹的时刻。你的害羞,你的笑容,甚至你生气的表情都会导致你脸红,每个神情都让我很想念。你的声音似乎在我耳边突然消失似的,好让我不习惯。你的身影,就像被风吹走了似的,离的我越来越远。站在我面前的你只让我觉得是我最熟悉的陌生人。


还记得在 7月17日,我曾拨电给你吗?可却没说什么就挂了吧。其实那时我有好多话想说,想问,但因某些原因我临阵退缩了。要再开口不难,只难于该从何开始说起。




Qingu, zuisonghamnida.
na chong mal sarangheyo.

Wil, i am sorry. Things that i promise you, now i break it again de. --------- ~Mo

Friday, August 7, 2009


嬉笑 打闹 拥抱 留下了那么多开心合照
互相取暖依靠 熬过了最低潮
一起生活 也一起埋怨过 走过最好与最糟
我在心里想的不用说明 你知道

晨昏日夜颠倒 这房子突然没从前热闹
散落一地微笑 没有人去打扫
感情很微妙 再多付出也好 再多关心都徒劳

我的难过是如此低调 因为不想打扰
我在寂寞的墙角 努力的对自己好
你用微笑回报 朋友或情人不重要
我的悲伤是如此低调 傻子才会哭闹
就算你发现也好 我想你一定会选择
假装不知道 只怕我自己的掩饰 不够好

Special Day Ever..

12 : 34 : 56 7 / 8 / 09

Thanks for celebrating this special day and time with me Will. haha..
Thanks for telling me this memorial day Rachel.
I got your contact from this day at that time. I will remember forever d i think.. haha..
Keep in touch ya.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Goodbye forever King Of Pop

Its time to say goodbye to Michael Joseph Jackson forever de. Is really hard to believe that. Time past by so fast. That is just like a joke within everybody around the world.
If only through one person, a world was healed, a world remembered the time we were kings and queens and a world was thrilled by one man, one true "King of Pop". Michael, with his genius, God given talent and kind heart, only him gave us what so many people failed to do, LOVE. He loved us even though people hurt him, talked about you, abused you, took him for granted and took advantage of his heart, Michael still loved us. He truly give the LOVE to people around the world through his songs. He shared what God had given him and because of his love for the world, together we love and miss him like no other celebrity in this world.
May you RIP and may your soul will find its true happiness up in heaven.. Your actions, your kindness, and your warm heart will never be forgotten. Everyday you created your history and every path you took you left your legacy and it will forever shine throughout the world. You were an incredible person who was truly heaven sent, your laugh your smile your human nature will live in the memories and the hearts of all who loved you. Your children will be proud to say that YOU are their FATHER! If i can i wish to be one of your child too.. To call you as my God Father..
Love and miss you dearly Michael J. Jackson (1958-2009)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

King Of Pop

好可怜的Michael Jackson。。。


Another day has gone
I'm still all alone
How could this be
You're not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says

That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
But you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
But you are not alone

You are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
For you are not alone...



Friday, July 3, 2009

Late to School

Due to my lazyness wake up.. Thus we late to school...

When we arive sch compaund. haha.. Clever me..

Since there are lots of student waiting to write name so i juz straight away drive trough the field. therefore.. they saw us but they got nothing can do..haha.

At 1st i wish to park at the canteen, but the warden not allow .she ask me to park after they off-duty.. so, no choice. wait lo..

I park at the field, waiting the assembly to finish, but today quite a long time there.. both of them sleeping there and i am enjoying the sunrise. althought not really very nice but seem so warm.. This is a great morning I enjoying the moment there...

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

想 说



我的不安 那么沉重






是我想太多 你总这样说

但你却没有 真的心疼我

是我想太多 我也这样说


我想我没有错怪了什么 虽然你不说







心痛的滋味 成长的滋味















Monday, June 15, 2009














Monday, June 1, 2009





















Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Family day

I play trunts today.. This is because no exam ma, not much benifits going to sch, so stay at home sleep... I wish to wake up at 9 with my parents them, but my narrow eyes cant open at all.. My mum, my aunt, my grandma, all wake me up but i am still stick on my bed... OMG really too sleepy de... Sorry, i promise de but i dint go.. I will go on next last week ...

At 12pm finally i wake up de.. hehe.. Sooner, they all come back home too.. Then i enjoy my meal and movie... Totally no mood to study my PA de.. hehe coz its the last paper de plus its objective so..hehe.. Nervertheless, i cant control my heart, i will worried.. Thus, i go back my room and study a bit la.. However, my stomach dunno why keep hungry.. My legs keep step in kitchen non-stop, like a mouse finding foods there..

At night, my cousin and uncle them arrive de.. Its time for dinner de.. This is the 1st normal day we having dinner together. (beside CNY)I really hope thats my parents will be there with us too..After dinner, my cousin and my bro them all gather at his room playing there, but i am alone studying.. I wish that there is no exam the next day, so that i can join them. Although i cant tahan and go play for a while de, but thats not fun enough la.. Haiz.. Never mind la.. I will got the chance next next week de.. haha..

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday My Dear Prince..

Thanks for be with me 1 years de..

Thanks for accompany me...

But sorry for i am not treating you nicely..

"Miyaneh" anyway, happy birthday.

" domu kumowo , sarang heyo "

Monday, May 25, 2009

Long time no see

We meet at Mcd again. Last sat, we go pasar malam saw mangee there. She is so charming now, With new hair style de.. She look so bright, become very white skin de.. But we are now becoming more and more dark.

However, this time we meet our seniors.. Really long time no see.. I think its their gathering la..
That cutie pin chuan come and say hi with us, and do funny things there.. haha..
Here is his cold words.." I got leg and got car, but i dont have bicycle." hehe.. I dunno why i keep laughing at this sentences. But when he start his real cold jokes, i cant laugh wo... haha... -_-!!

Anyway, keep in touch la..

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Its a special date today. 520.. It's a great day for couple.. And is a great day to remember too..

While is exam week.. And i juz finish PA paper.. I am so glad the the tips given its really helps. Both essay i read through the day before that. Thus i can save my time more for section d and e.

But i give up my graph section.. I return 15 marks for teacher.. Sorry Mr.Ng.

By the way, forgot bout that, tomoro is acc test. work hard on the next paper de.

Long time dint touch Acc paper 2, now do back revision feel that it is really really very difficult..

Almost ki siao de... Tips that given not yet finish revision, make me getting mad...

While, here is a great design found by wei hong..

Juz guest what is that... hehe.. i think you cant guest it correct...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Good news

Just finish my 1st test.. PP 2.. Haha.. Not bad ya.. Drop a small rock de..
Another good news is hiak hiak hiak...
Who's going to KL trip with us will get the benefits too..

chiang chiang chiang chiang.....
" We get the permission to EnTer 8TV de"...
We can watch live record for 8864...
Anyone need Gary's autograph remember to bring ur own notes book oh.. haha...
Remember to bring camera too oh... If not that will be a heavy loss for you oh...
Maybe just once in ur life time...

Monday, April 27, 2009


Finally its the last day de..
The feeling so strong today..
Everyone became so down de..
You are now full with happiness de..
Dont worry about anyone of us de..
Stay happily in the next world.
Goodbye to you forever..
We will miss you and remember your cuties, funnies face deeply in our heart..

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Useless Me....

What a useless girl i am for you..
I even dunno what you call me usually..
I never notice how you look like clearly..
I never talk to you much ever too..
Even when you needed help i never help directly.
I feel really ashamed that i never take care of you...
Now its already too late i know..
But still I need to tell you one last time.
I am sorry...
Hope you will happy in your new journey...
You must take good care already ya...
Dont get hurt anymore... You should not deserve it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I am really very scared now..
What can i do ??
What can i help ??
What should i do ??
By the way, I hope you will get well soon la...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day which getting crazy...

When I am on my way to sch, the sky is really deeply dark although it's 7 something de..It raining heavily.. This means my husband miss me very much lo.. haha..

Anyway, today is MUET exam, I feeling pain in my tummy when I arrived sch.. Maybe too nervous de... haha.. Soon the exam is gonna start de.. And our foolish classmate Philip Aw, walk in class with relaxing mood.. When he sat down.. Suddenly, he sprang up and shout - "Shit, I forgot to bring my school back.." Guys, do you know where he leave his school back??? hahaha In his dad's car.. What a senseless boy he is... hehe.. But he really making joy for the whole class and make us relax before exam la.. hehe Thanks ya Philip ... wahaha....

After school, going to ting house...Having lunch together..When having our meal, that naughty ting and give ar, keep shoot me with nonsence ar... HNG...

Hey, hey hey, look here... I found something related to us.. hehe
Notice anything de??Its us.. haha, Understand what i mean???
You will catch it one day.. hehe..

Yor...look at my eyes..The result of not enough sleep la.. All Jay N Yuan fault la..Gish....
By the way actually we are waiting for J1 .. But that uncle zai he very ham ban ar, still wish to be pig before meeting us ar.. Wasting my time nia....haiz... Around 3.40pm we drive to his house , mana tahu the place we wanna enter close at 5pm pula.. And the time we arrive is already 4.10pm d. ARRGGHH...

Then bo huat la, we need to choose another destiny - McD in tesco.. Again started their silly jokes.. The Funnies was the 4.5, separate Kui.. Hehe.. I really need blanket ar...haha
While they are working hard on their homework, me and ting too boring de nothing to do, we playing with camera.. haha.. Here it is the result of our capturing..

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pc Fair

Finally i am free to go Pc Fair de... That's the last day de.. And When I am there its really full ar... Full Of what??? sure full of people la.. Of course shouting and promoting too.. I meet lots of friends there.. Some are seniors, junior of CDK, last year pc fair collegue, even old neighbour too I can meet them there ar.. So conclusion i wanna tell is... If anyone miss your old friends, please attend to pc fair, you can meet lots of your friends there...Its True...Try and see during next Pc fair la.. hehe

And lastly, Thanks for dropping me and accompany ya.. Give & Wen..
Thanks for showing me the fish bone too.. haha.. But i think some1 need it more then me...haha..

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

With Jahkeeyea

After meeting at sch back home nothing to do.. So call up give to hang out with.. We go Mcd again.. Are we really no place to go de?? haha.. Although the name is same, but the place is different. We never when there together before.. I just when once with kui only..

Today, we are totally become twins de.. using same phone, wearing same style, doing same things with... OMG .. Thats without any planning oh.. Jahkeyea.. Our mo qi become more better de oh..

We keep open fire in Mcd.. Laugh at each other..Like a mad girls.. By the way, we saw 2 boys sitting next table.. They are using same phone and same bag. We are guessing....are they buddy too... (act give guess that they maybe gay) haha..

Sooner, we went for a walk at sunshine square..When climbing the stare, luckily both of us dint fall together la if not really xia sui.. hehe..While actually we go in sunshine got mission to complete.. That's to rescue fish.. hehe..

We are capturing ourself with our couple phone together...
There's the result we fail.. -_-
Thus, captured with a normal pose.
Its Me.... haha

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sports Day

Finally sports day arrived.. It is not a bright sunny morning, but it is a dark rainny morning. I think my husband too miss me de lo.. pai say ya everyone.. He also wanna come and support me la. haha... But he is here i am getting more n more nervous.. Are they going to cancel the programs today? will it replace on sat.. I am so so so worried.

While the rain is getting smaller, teacher come and ask us to prepared for marching de.. arrg.. But we not yet ready... So rush at that time.. Costume not yet ready, not yet briefing... and so on la.. And my 400m event ko gonna start at the same time.. thats only 1 word occurs in my mind-Scared... The rain is still not stop, but teacher want us to start running de. Are they crazy? the field is so wet so disgusting la...My heart betting faster n faster.. so scare that i will fall and fail.

However, after the run, i get 3rd place.. Really thanks god.. haha.. I dint disappoited my teacher, friends and "special coach" haha.. Thanks a lot really.. That is more than enough for me to get 2nd runner-up. Next, I need to change my costume for marching de.. Thats a far far way to go for me .. My leg is lost of strength to walk almost half of the field de.. Its really tiring..

After change and match, while we are waiting at the center of the feild, rain is getting bigger n bigger again. But we only can stand there and wait for the open ceremony to take part.. This is the 1st time i had my sports day in a raining day. Its really a memoriable day.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Western Food..

Its our next destination after concert at Hannah's church..Have you ever seen a huge glass of fruit juice?
Here it is...
Its double and going to be triple of a phone de.. How we gonna finish it up??
Let's try this...
We are drinking now..Wanna share with too??
Wow.. Not bad ya.. Almost finish de.
It looks like a traffic light don't you..